[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [OASIS members] new OASIS discussion list: UDDI promotion
Mark Johnson
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:28:02 -0400
----- Forwarded message from "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org> -----
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 19:22:28 -0500
From: "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Subject: [OASIS members] new OASIS discussion list: UDDI promotion
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org,
Upon the request by three eligible participants, I have created an OASIS
Discussion List for the purpose of discussing the possible creation of
one or more OASIS Technical Committees related to the promotion of UDDI.
Discussion on the list will begin in seven days, and the list and its
archive will be deleted after 90 days. One or more TCs may or may not be
formed as a result of this discussion.
The participants in the discussion list should decide if there is
sufficient interest to form an OASIS TC, write a proposal to start the
TC (including the TC charter), and select a TC chair.
The discussion list has been proposed by the following members of OASIS:
George Zagelow, IBM, zagelow@us.ibm.com
Mike De Nicola, Fujitsu, mwdn@fsw.fujitsu.com
Sinisa Zimik, SAP, sinisa.zimek@sap.com
The discussion leader will be George Zagelow.
In order to participate in this discussion you should subscribe to the
discussion list by sending a message to
uddi-promo-discuss-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org. OASIS membership is
not required in order to subscribe to this list. If you do not wish to
subscribe but wish to view the discussion you may view the list archives
at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/uddi-promo-discuss
Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
office +1 978.667.5115 x206 mobile +1 978.761.1648
karl.best@oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org
Several members of OASIS are planning to organize one or more new
standards projects at OASIS concentrating on UDDI. OASIS will launch a
discussion list (open to nonmembers as well as members) for scoping
those efforts.
The draft below is a starting point for further discussion by interested
parties and prospective participants.
Statement of Purpose
UDDI has been in development for over three years and much progress has
been made. Version 2 has been approved by the membership of OASIS as an
OASIS Standard, and Version 3.01 has been approved by the OASIS UDDI
Spec TC as a Commmittee Draft. Many technology providers are now
shipping products supporting Version 2, and will presumably extend that
support to Version 3 as the standardization is completed. However, UDDI
is only one technology in the rapidly evolving initiative of Web
Services, but one that will be of critical importance as the number of
Web Services explodes. At the same time, many potential users have lost
track of UDDI, or are in need of help in utilizing this powerful
technology. We propose to discuss one or more Technical Committees to
address these needs.
The work could conceivably generate work in any/all of the following
* UDDI User Experiences
* UDDI Best Practices
* UDDI User Education
* UDDI promotion / evangelism
* Usage of UDDI as a component of Web Services
* Additional activities
It is the hope of the UDDI Member Section that any Technical Committe(s)
formed would be affiliated with the UDDI Member Section, where a small
budget is available to produce deliverables. It is also hoped that
interested members would consider joining the Member Section to help in
the overall leadership of UDDI at OASIS.
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
member_services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly
encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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