[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [announce] CECID Completes XML Schema Design and Management Guide for the Hong Kong Government
Mark Johnson
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:39:42 -0400
----- Forwarded message from Dorris Tai <cwtai@cecid.hku.hk> -----
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:40:07 +0800
From: Dorris Tai <cwtai@cecid.hku.hk>
Reply-To: Dorris Tai <cwtai@cecid.hku.hk>
Subject: [announce] CECID Completes XML Schema Design and Management Guide for
the Hong Kong Government
To: announce@lists.oasis-open.org, xml-dev@lists.xml.org
CECID Completes XML Schema Design and Management Guide
Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development (CECID) of the
University of Hong Kong (HKU) has completed the XML Schema Design and
Management Guide for Information and Technology Services Department
(ITSD) of the HKSAR Government (HKSARG). The Guide, which
aims to provide a process for designing and defining quality,
consistent and reusable XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) in a systematic
manner, is now available for download at ITSD website:
http://www.itsd.gov.hk/itsd/english/infra/eif.htm. The Hong Kong
Observatory, Department of Health, and Commerce, Industry and
Technology Bureau are first to use this Guide in their XML projects of
weather news, notifiable infectious disease electronic notification
and surveillance system, and Integrated Criminal Justice System
Based on international best practices such as UN/CEFACT’s Modeling
Methodology (UMM), ebXML Core Components (CC), and Universal Business
Language (UBL), CECID developed the XML Schema Design & Management
Guide for HKSARG to assist bureaux and departments, as well as their
business partners, in implementing e-government joined-up service
projects (G2G and G2B).
When a new joined-up service project is implemented, project teams
must conduct a data alignment exercise to agree on the definition and
representation of each data element of the information to be
exchanged. Further, data conversion or data mapping between the
exchanged data may need to be performed. To achieve interoperability
for information exchange, XML has been identified by HKSARG as the
technical standard. This XML Schema Design and Management Guide will
facilitate data interoperability by providing (i) a methodology to
specify the definitions and representations of information in a
consistent and structured way as reusable information models; (ii) an
approach to convert the information models of data elements into XML
Schema Definition (XSD) code; and (iii) guidelines to adopt,
contribute, and manage XML Schemas to maximize reuse.
The XML Schema Design & Management Guide consists of two major parts.
The first part is the Design Guide which introduces a methodology for
modeling the business process and information requirements
systematically in a project. It also provides guidelines for
programmers to convert information models specified by the business
analysts into XSD code. The second part is the Management Guide which
serves as a handbook for bureaux and departments to harmonize data
elements and manage reusable XML Schemas. Besides the Guide, the
HKSARG has also set up a Central Registry (www.xml.gov.hk) to store
and manage schemas to facilitate government projects’ adoption.
About ITSD (http://www.itsd.gov.hk/):
Information Technology Services Department (ITSD) of the Government of
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is an executive
agency responsible for implementing Government policy on the
development of Information Technology (IT) in Hong Kong. It promotes
and enables the extensive use of IT in Government and in the
community. It also aims to enable individuals, businesses and the
Government to interact easily and securely through the use of IT. Its
work programmes reflect their commitment to implementing the Digital
21 Strategy, which is Hong Kong's blueprint for IT development in the
future, and the E-Government Strategy that forms a significant part of
that blueprint.
About CECID (http://www.cecid.hku.hk):
Established in January 2002, Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure
Development (CECID) at the University of Hong Kong conducts e-commerce
research and development with the vision of helping organizations
increase their competitiveness in the global economy. CECID develops
e-commerce enabling technologies, participates in important
international e-commerce initiatives, supports e-commerce
standardization for Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific Region, and
transfers e-commerce technology and skills to the community. With
projects primarily funded by the Hong Kong Government's Innovation and
Technology Commission, CECID is a member of OASIS, W3C, RosettaNet,
and the ebXML Asia Committee. The Center also collaborates with a
number of lead technology users in the Asia-Pacific Region on turning
R&D results into real-life business applications. CECID's recent
contributions to the community include its code donation of Hermes and
ebMail to FreebXML (http://www.freebxml.org) and the production of an
in-depth design and management guide on XML Schemas for the Hong Kong
PR Contacts for Press and Analysts:
Dorris Tai (cwtai@cecid.hku.hk)
Business Manager
Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development (CECID)
Dept. of Computer Science & Information Systems
The University of Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2859 2818
Fax: +852 2547 4611
URL: http://www.cecid.hku.hk
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Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org>
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