[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [OASIS members] OASIS TC Call For Participation: LegalXML SDHI TC
Mark Johnson
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:58:14 -0400
----- Forwarded message from "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org> -----
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 08:46:34 -0500
From: "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Subject: [OASIS members] OASIS TC Call For Participation: LegalXML SDHI TC
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org,
xml-dev@lists.xml.org, new-work@ietf.org, legalxml-sdhi@lists.oasis-open.org
A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS LegalXML
Subscriber Data Handover Interface (SDHI) TC has been proposed by the
following members of OASIS: Anthony M Rutkowski, Verisign; Robin Gape,
BTplc; and John M. Greacen, Individual member.
The proposal for a new TC meets the requirements of the OASIS TC Process
(see http://oasis-open.org/committees/process.shtml), and is appended to
this message. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of
deliverables, audience, and language specified in the proposal will
constitute the TC's charter. The TC Process allows these items to be
clarified (revised); such clarifications (revisions), as well as
submissions of technology for consideration by the TC and the beginning
of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC's first meeting.
As specified by the OASIS TC Process, the requirements for becoming a
member of the TC at the first meeting are that you must 1) be an
employee of an OASIS member organization or an Individual member of
OASIS; 2) notify the TC chair of your intent to participate at least 15
days prior to the first meeting; and 3) attend the first meeting of the
TC. For OASIS members, to register for the TC using the OASIS
collaborative tools, go to the TC's public web page at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/legalxml-sdhi and click on the
button for "Join This TC" at the top of the page. You may add yourself
to the roster of the TC either as a Prospective Member (if you intend to
become a member of the TC) or an Observer. A notice will automatically
be sent to the TC chair, which fulfills requirement #2 above.
OASIS members may also join the TC after the first meeting. Note that
membership in OASIS TCs is by individual, and not by organization.
Non-OASIS members may read the TC's mail list archive, view the TC's web
page, and send comments to the TC using a web form available on the TC's
web page; click the "Send A Comment" button. The archives of the TC's
mail list and public comments are visible at
Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
office +1 978.667.5115 x206 mobile +1 978.761.1648
karl.best@oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org
Name of the TC:
OASIS LegalXML Subscriber Data Handover Interface (SDHI) TC
Statement of Purpose:
During the course of law enforcement investigations or judicial
proceedings, emergency situations, or other government mandated
conditions, a critical need arises for information concerning
subscribers to telephone, Internet or other communication services at a
well-defined interface. Law enforcement authorities may also use
collection and analysis systems that assist in understanding the
relationships among parties in an investigation. To accomplish this
task, these systems may generate requests for subscriber information and
use the resulting data furnished by telecommunication or other service
The OASIS LegalXML Subscriber Data Handover Interface (SDHI) Technical
Committee, part of the OASIS LegalXML Member Section, will develop a
specification for the production of a consistent Subscriber Data
Handover Interface (SDHI), by telecommunication or Internet service
providers, of XML structured information concerning a subscriber or
communications identifier (e.g., a telephone number) in response to an
XML structured request which includes, when necessary, authorization
from a judicial, public safety, or law enforcement authority.
There are generally two request variations. The first is a request for
basic information concerning a subscriber based on a name, number, or
other identifier - for which no formal authorizing instrument is usually
needed. The second is a request for expanded information pursuant to a
subpoena or warrant or other lawful order, which may demand call detail
or billing records, mobile user location information, communication or
access logs, or other typically privileged information held by the
service provider.
This specification will include required access to provider records
pursuant to national Codes of Practice for data retention, emergency
response, or investigatory requests, although in most cases, the
information is kept by communication services providers as part of
normal commercial business practice for accounting, billing, fraud
prevention, and marketing purposes. See, e.g., United Kingdom,
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, 2000 chap. 23, part 1
chapter II, and the disclosure of communications data (sections 21-25
inclusive); and France, Loi no. 2003-239 du 18 mars 2003, Loi pour la
securite interieure. Rapid and efficient access to retained data among
many diverse providers is a major emerging need. The specification is
intended only to facilitate access and production of information that
may already exist, and has no prescriptive implication or intent.
This process can be described as a simple “query > authorization >
response action”
The work of the SDHI TC will be limited to the following:
* SDHI Requirements Specification
* SDHI Request, Authorization and Response Schema
The identification or development of such additional schema as may be
necessary to implement the SDHI Interface. These will include:
* XML mechanisms for the queries, including if necessary the “envelope”
for the authentication and secure transfer of the information, to be
imported from other TC work. These capabilities could rely in part on
the Legal XML Court Filing Blue Envelope specification.
* Localization. These Subscriber Data Handover Interface standards must
include a localization mechanism to accommodate the diverse legal
systems of country authorities and providers, as well as legacy
transition schema such as PDF images and delimited field flat files
* Prioritizing requests
* Accounting and billing
* Accommodating number and identifier portability
* Adjustments or additions to the interface that may be necessary as a
result of implementations, new communications technology, localization
Any items not on the above lists or on the List of Deliverables will be
considered out of scope for the TC. Also out of scope are the following:
* communications services provider subscriber management protocols
* collection system protocols
* transport protocols
* subscriber information data architectures
* specific handover requirements
* specific retention requirements
* real-time data handover requirements
List of Deliverables:
* SDHI Requirements Specification finalized; three months after first
* SDHI Request and Response schemas finalized; six months after first
* Both of the above are intended to be submitted to OASIS for
consideration as an OASIS Standard. Afterwards the TC will create
materials or define activities related to the promotion and adoption of
the above.
* Define requirements for additional deliverables or revisions to the
SDHI request and response schemas to add to the TC charter; after
approval of the OASIS Standard
Anticipated Audience:
The anticipated audience and users include law enforcement and public
safety officials, judicial and administrative bodies, national
regulatory agencies, communication service providers, lawful access
service bureaus, and vendors of network equipment, subscriber accounting
systems, and collection system analysis tools.
The following is informational only for the purposes of starting the TC,
and will not be part of the TC's charter:
Similar Work:
* OASIS Customer Information Quality TC, XML Standards for "Global"
Customer Information Management;
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ciq (including the extensible Name
and Address Language (xNAL); extensible Name Language (xNL); extensible
Address Language (xAL); extensible Customer Information Language (xCIL);
and extensible Customer Relationships Language (xCRL))
* OASIS Digital Signature TC; http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dss,
including the Digital Signature Service Core Protocols and Elements (DSS)
* OASIS LegalXML Integrated Justice TC;
* OASIS e-Government TC; http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/egov
* OASIS Election Services TC; http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/election
* OASIS Emergency Management TC;
* IETF Cross Registry Information Service Protocol (crisp) TC;
List of Contributions:
The proposers anticipate that the following will be contributed to the
TC at the first meeting: Requirements Specification, Subscriber Data
Handover Interface (SDHI) Version 0.1.0, authored by Anthony M
Rutkowski, Verisign; and Robin Gape, Btplc.
Date of first meeting:
15 April 2004
Time: 11:00 hrs ET; 16hrs GMT
Type of meeting: teleconference
Sponsor: BTplc
On-going Meeting Schedule:
Phone meetings at two week intervals following formation of the SDHI TC
until cessation of its work. Face-to-face meetings will be held quarterly
Ongoing meeting sponsor: BTplc (phone meetings); VeriSign and BTplc
Anthony M Rutkowski, Verisign, trutkowski@verisign.com
Robin Gape, BTplc, robin.gape@bt.com
John M. Greacen Individual member, john@greacen.net
TC Convener
Anthony M Rutkowski
Proposed TC Co-chairs: Anthony M Rutkowski and Robin Gape
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
member_services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly
encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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