[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [OASIS members] OASIS Symposium Update
Mark Johnson
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 18:09:56 -0400
----- Forwarded message from Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org> -----
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 14:36:37 -0500
From: Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@oasis-open.org>
Subject: [OASIS members] OASIS Symposium Update
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, xml-dailynews@lists.xml.org,
TODAY IS THE HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE...Have you made your reservation
25-29 APRIL 2004
The deadline to make reservations at the special rate of $159.00 is today
(26 March). Reservations made after this date will be based on space
availability only. Please note that the hotel (and city) are approaching a
sell-out status over the Symposium week (due to the Jazz Festival). The
hotel may not be able to accommodate late reservations. Please notify Jane
Harnad (jane.harnad@oasis-open.org) directly if you experience any problems
making your hotel reservations.
Reservation instructions and more details on the hotel may be found at
AGENDA - A week full of events!
This New Orleans OASIS Symposium will not only deliver the promised
HIGH-LEVEL conference program content, but will also include:
o Special Industry Panels
o Keynotes from Leading Industry Experts
o Pre-Conference Tutorials
o eHealth Workshop
o Evening BoFs
o OASIS TC Meetings
o And the OASIS Annual General Meeting
You don't want to miss this opportunity to network with the leaders in the
industry, including the vendors, the standards developers, the implementers,
and the industry trend-setters. This week will promise to deliver something
for everyone. View the event Web site for more details:
Newly added highlights include:
A Monday evening BoF: Advancing a Service-Oriented Architecture Based on
ebXML and Web Services, lead by: Duane Nickull of Adobe Systems, convener
and proposed chair of the OASIS ebSOA Technical Committee.
A Monday afternoon Special Panel on Implementing Standards to Achieve
Reliable Transacting, moderated by Michael Bechauf, Vice President of
NetWeaver Standards, SAP. Panelists include: Patrick Gannon, President and
CEO, OASIS; Kenneth R. Hutcheson, Director, Chem eStandards Initiative,
CIDX; Paul Tearnen, Vice President, Standards Management, RosettaNet; and
Fred Falten, GM, representing AIAG.
And a Special Wednesday Workshop on Reliable Infrastructures for eHealth.
OASIS and CommerceNet join forces to present a one-day Workshop designed to
investigate the relationships between the standards that exist today and
identify solutions to the road ahead. This workshop is designed to
facilitate the identification of practical steps that can be taken to apply
reliable infrastructure for XML standards into healthcare applications.
Adobe, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, SAP, and Sun Microsystems have graciously
provided funding in support of the OASIS Symposium. Their sponsorship goes a
long way to ensure the success of the event and keep the meeting
registration fee affordable for all members. A variety of Symposium
sponsorship opportunities are still available. Contact
dee.schur@oasis-open.org for details.
Registration is required for all events held in conjunction with the
Symposium (including the OASIS Plenary and TC Meetings). Registration
information may be found at
A $200 discount to attend the Symposium is offered to OASIS Members.
Two-Day Symposium Prices (US Dollars):
$465 Non-Members
$265 OASIS Members
eHealth Workshop Only:
$225 Wednesday Only (US Dollars)
No additional charge for Full-Symposium registrants to attend either the
Pre-Conference tutorials or the eHealth Workshop, however, advance sign up
is required.
Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
Voice: +1.978.667.5115 x209
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
member_services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly
encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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