[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [OASIS members] OASIS TC CAll For Participation: CGM Open WebCGM TC
Mark Johnson
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 18:17:48 -0400
----- Forwarded message from "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org> -----
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 10:17:35 -0400
From: "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Subject: [OASIS members] OASIS TC CAll For Participation: CGM Open WebCGM TC
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org,
xml-dev@lists.xml.org, new-work@ietf.org, cgmo-webcgm@lists.oasis-open.org,
A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS OASIS CGM
Open WebCGM TC Technical Committee has been proposed by the following
members of OASIS: Dave Cruikshank, The Boeing Company; Dieter
Weidenbruck and Benoit Bezaire, ITEDO Software GmbH; Franck Duluc,
Airbus France; Ulrich Laesche, Ematek GmbH; Don Larson, Larson Sofware
Technology, Inc; Forrest Carpenter, System Development, Inc; Andrew
Moorhouse, MOD UK; Kevin O'Kane, Auto-trol Technology; and Gabriella
Rist, Lofton Henderson, and Bruce Garner, Individual members.
The proposal for a new TC meets the requirements of the OASIS TC Process
(see http://oasis-open.org/committees/process.shtml), and is appended to
this message. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of
deliverables, audience, and language specified in the proposal will
constitute the TC's charter. The TC Process allows these items to be
clarified (revised); such clarifications (revisions), as well as
submissions of technology for consideration by the TC and the beginning
of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC's first meeting.
As specified by the OASIS TC Process, the requirements for becoming a
member of the TC at the first meeting are that you must 1) be an
employee of an OASIS member organization or an Individual member of
OASIS; 2) notify the TC chair of your intent to participate at least 15
days prior to the first meeting; and 3) attend the first meeting of the
TC. For OASIS members, to register for the TC using the OASIS
collaborative tools, go to the TC's public web page at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/cgmo-webcgm and click on the button
for "Join This TC" at the top of the page. You may add yourself to the
roster of the TC either as a Prospective Member (if you intend to become
a member of the TC) or an Observer. A notice will automatically be sent
to the TC chair, which fulfills requirement #2 above.
OASIS members may also join the TC after the first meeting. Note that
membership in OASIS TCs is by individual, and not by organization.
Non-OASIS members may read the TC's mail list archive, view the TC's web
page, and send comments to the TC using a web form available on the TC's
web page; click the "Send A Comment" button. The archives of the TC's
mail list and public comments are visible at
Further information about the topic of this TC may be found on the Cover
Pages under "Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)" at
Other information about the work topics and history of this project may
be found at http://www.cgmopen.org/
Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
office +1 978.667.5115 x206 mobile +1 978.761.1648
karl.best@oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org
Name of the TC:
OASIS CGM Open WebCGM TC Technical Committee
Statement of Purpose:
The CGM Open WebCGM TC is chartered to carry out the technical work of
the OASIS CGM Open Member Section. That technical work originated with
the technical agenda of the former CGM Open Consortium Inc, which since
January 2004 has been reorganized and integrated into OASIS as the OASIS
CGM Open Member Section.
The purpose of the CGM Open WebCGM TC is to accelerate the further
adoption, application, and implementation of the Computer Graphics
Metafile (CGM), the international standard for open interchange of
structured graphical objects and their associated attributes. The WebCGM
Profile of CGM was developed by CGM Open and is a current recommendation
of the W3C. WebCGM is focused on presenting dynamic technical graphics
in the web environment.
The focus of the TC is to coordinate WebCGM with other CGM application
areas, further develop the WebCGM profile based on requirements for
needed features, educate users in the appropriate use of CGM and WebCGM,
and promote interoperability of CGM and especially WebCGM applications.
At the highest level the problem being addressed by the TC is the
improved penetration of CGM and WebCGM into their target application
sectors and the successful implementation of multiple interoperable
applications in those sectors.
The following is a master list of potential work items that have been
enumerated for the CGM technical program. This forms the scope for the
* WebCGM future development including possible releases of new versions
of WebCGM
* WebCGM DOM development
* Web-based CGM interoperability reporting and tracking system
* Any additional interoperability topics that are identified by the TC
in response to the evolution of the markets, target application sectors,
and CGM/WebCGM implementations.
* Alignment of WebCGM functionality with ATA (and other) graphics
profile requirements
* Maintenance of product ICS (Implementation Conformance Statement) database
* Definition of semantics of XML companion data associated with WebCGM
* XML encoding of WebCGM
* An education program for users and implementers of CGM and WebCGM
In addition, the CGM Open WebCGM TC will maintain relationships with
other international standards groups involved in CGM and web graphics
Anything other than the above listed items is considered out of scope
for the CGM Open WebCGM TC. There will be significant milestones with
the completion of specifications dealing with WebCGM, as well as with
the delivery of tools and services for interoperability.
List of Deliverables:
In the CGM community there is general agreement about the prioritization
of three badly needed, partially finished work items to address the
short-term requirements. The following is a list of the three
highest-priority, most critical items, from the larger set identified in
the above Scope section:
* WebCGM DOM specification - final design at first F2F meeting with
formal DOM acceptance six months later
* Interoperability reporting/tracking system - public availability one
month after first F2F meeting
* Refresh of product ICS database - one month after first F2F meeting
Additional deliverables are anticipated to satisfy the other identified
scope items described above. Those deliverables will be defined and
added to the TC's charter upon completion of the currently defined
Anticipated Audience:
The anticipated audience for this work are vendors and users of
web-based technical graphics
The following is informational only for the purposes of starting the TC,
and will not be part of the TC's charter:
Similar Work:
The W3C SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) working group has developed a W3C
recommendation for an XML encoded 2D graphics language for web
applications. The intended audience for SVG, according to the W3C, is
quite different than that of WebCGM. The CGM Open TC will maintain a
liaison relationship with SVG through common membership and has
considered a mapping of WebCGM functionality to an SVG subset.
List of Contributions:
The proposers anticipate that at or after the first meeting of the TC
the customization layer of the Web interface problem reporting and
tracking system developed by CGM Open Inc., and based on the open source
Mantis software, will be contributed to the TC by its owners.
First meeting:
Date: 24-27 May 2004
Time: 9:00 AM CET
Type of meeting: f2f
Location: Cologne, Germany
Sponsor: ITEDO
Ongoing Schedule:
There will be monthly telecons hosted by Boeing, and two or three f2f
meetings per year hosted by TC members on a rotating basis.
Dave Cruikshank, david.w.cruikshank@boeing.com, The Boeing Company
Dieter Weidenbruck, dieter@itedo.com, ITEDO Software GmbH
Lofton Henderson, lofton@rockynet.com, Individual member
Franck Duluc, franck.duluc@airbus.com, Airbus France
Ulrich Laesche, ulrich@ematek.de, Ematek GmbH
Bruce Garner, brucegar@pacbell.net, Individual member
Don Larson, dlarson@cgmlarson.com, Larson Sofware Technology, Inc
Forrest Carpenter, forrest@sdicgm.com, System Development, Inc
Andrew Moorhouse, td2d3@techinfo.mod.uk, MOD UK
Kevin O'Kane, kevoka@AUTO-TROL.com, Auto-trol Technology
Gabriella Rist, Gabriella.Rist@lli.liebherr.com, Individual member
Benoit Bezaire, benoit@itedo.com, ITEDO Software GmbH
TC Convener:
Dave Cruikshank, david.w.cruikshank@boeing.com
Proposed TC Chair:
Dave Cruikshank, david.w.cruikshank@boeing.com
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
member_services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly
encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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