[debimg-devel] www.lists.alioth.debian.org

Sharon | Weberoo Pty Ltd sharonjpruitt6 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 07:55:40 UTC 2015

Hi, my name's Sharon, and I'm emailing you from a Sydney based Online  
Advertising Agency that specialises in both SEO (Google Rankings) and  
creating Custom Designed and Developed Websites.

Our SEO and Web Services are legitimate, high quality, and most of all  
affordable. We also offer a written guarantee for our SEO services that  
you'll appear on the 1st page of Google.

If we do not rank you on the first page of Google in 90 days, you can exit  
the agreement.

Please let me know if you are interested in improving your website's  
ranking on Google.

Are you free this week to discuss?

Sharon Pruitt



Headquarters: 41 Bridge Rd Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia
Other Offices: Hong Kong & China | USA | New Zealand | UAE | Singapore

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