[Debootloaders-yaboot] Bug#580455: #580455 yabootconfig does the correct thing, your yaboot.conf must be modified by something else

Gunther Furtado gunfurtado at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 13:33:04 UTC 2010

2010/9/16 Benjamin Cama <benoar at free.fr>:
> Hi,
> I just found by looking around that yabootconfig, the script used by the
> yaboot package (very important distinction) to generate /etc/yaboot.conf
> actually _knows_ how to handle LABEL and UUID; see
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debootloaders/trunk/yaboot/ybin/yabootconfig . Furthermore, the yaboot package didn't change in 4 years, so everything is "correct" in yaboot !
> But, as we recently saw again on the debian-ppc ML (see
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc/2010/09/msg00013.html ) _some_
> script from _some other_ package does modify /etc/yaboot.conf ! And add
> spaces (very wrong) and does not interpret labels/uuids. The only other
> script I know that generates yaboot.conf is the postinst one in the
> yaboot-installer udeb (from the debian-installer) but I don't see how it
> could add spaces, looking at its code.
> So, that's now 3 people including you that stumble upon this, but this
> doesn't come from yaboot. So, could you please join the _full_ yaboot te
> see if the program that generates it leaves some traces, and please tell
> if you think you have any particular package installed that could affect
> that. I Cc the list, too, in case someone could look at that.

four! or am I on the list yet?

> Thanks,
> benjamin
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"...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro...", visto em www.manuchao.net

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
gunfurtado at gmail.com

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