[Debpool-commits] [SCM] Debpool Project Repository branch, master, updated. 0.2.3-63-g38a32aa

ceros-guest ceros-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jun 3 07:07:06 UTC 2008

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit af6b3ebe8716475440e73bc006ba696a539ed9c8
Author: ceros-guest <ceros-guest>
Date:   Thu Jan 10 18:34:46 2008 +0000

    Replaced 'sarge' with 'lenny' for virtual_dists example in DebPool::Config manpage.

diff --git a/share/DebPool/Config.pm b/share/DebPool/Config.pm
index 88ffbc9..d5bfdb0 100644
--- a/share/DebPool/Config.pm
+++ b/share/DebPool/Config.pm
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ Default value:
 Example value:
 { 'unstable-hostname' => 'unstable',
-  'testing-hostname' => 'sarge', }
+  'testing-hostname' => 'lenny', }

Debpool Project Repository

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