[Debpool-commits] [SCM] Debpool Project Repository annotated tag, debian/0.3.6, created. debian/0.3.6
Andres Mejia
mcitadel at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 15:17:03 UTC 2008
The annotated tag, debian/0.3.6 has been created
at 5dbf3bf1bf889cca947498a85a9e9a9c3321f049 (tag)
tagging 407119d558a7af37a3cf18e98c3dd6a84a054e11 (commit)
replaces 0.2.3
tagged by Andres Mejia
on Thu Oct 16 11:16:46 2008 -0400
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.3.6
Andres Mejia (29):
Changed Vcs entries to git location
Changing from version 0.2.4 to 0.3.0
Added DM-Upload-Allowed: yes field in control file
Support parsing changes files that are format 1.7 or 1.8.
Fixing check on format version of changes file
Adding Closes: #481861 tag
Updated timestamp in changelog
Applying patches from Hilko Bengen
Add testing directory to keep some files for future enhancements of debpool.
Update changelog
* Added a test script to begin changing debpool into a pure Perl program.
Install DebPool::Config manpage in section 5.
Generate DebPool::Config manpage using pod2man
Change AUTHOR field in manpages to Debpool Developer's mailing list.
Install the init and logrotate scripts during build
Use pod2man to generate manpages
debpool needs liblinux-inotify2-perl as a Dependency. Need to correct this later
Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0
Updating timestamp
Fixed errors in Gzip.pm and Release.pm. Fixed POD errors.
Add option to specify date when man pages are generated
More fixes for Release.pm
Cleanup of packaging. Changed instructions in README.User.
Fixing copyright notice in bin/debpool. Joel Baker is Joel Aelwyn.
Update TODO list
Merge branch 'master' into andres
Updated TODO list.
Removed DM-Upload-Allowed field.
* Changed copyright format, included myself in copyright. It uses the format
ceros-guest (49):
creating new branch from trunk
importing personal changes made to debpool to branch
using bzip2 instead of Compress::Bzip2 for Bzip2 interactions
modified debpool to install compressed Packages/Sources files first before generating Release file. Modified Release.pm to use Digest::Sha module. Began working on using SHA256 checksums.
changed control file to recommend libdigest-sha-perl
Implemented check for binary only uploads to ensure source information has been uploaded first. Using check from Magnus to check for package with same version in specific architectures.
Fixed problem with reuploading orig tarballs being rejected even with rollback option set.
Conforming to new standards.
Fixed a couple of problems with Config.pm
Taking out option use of GnuPG section from README.GnuPG
Updated changelog
Adding Recommends of linlinux-inotify2-perl
Rewrote init scripts to base them off of /etc/init.d/skeleton
Autogenerate DebPool::Config manpage during build
Don't maintain debpool manpage in debian directory. Updated changelog
Update debian/debpool.manpages
Deleting directory with DebPool::Config manpage, as it will now be autogenerated.
Fix error in debian/rules.
Fixing debian/rules
binary-arch must exist in debian/rules to comply with policy. Adding it in.
Wrote a better manpage for debpool. Minor edit in description for DebPool::Config.
Removed LICENSE text as it was redundant to debian/copyright
Set Maintainer field to use debpool developer's email address. Added Joel Aelwyn in Uploaders field.
Fixed grammatical errors in Config.pm for man page. Fixed some options in Config.pm so they could be overridden
Changed default logfile path to {'HOME'}.'/.debpool/debpool.log'. Minor edit to debpool manpage.
Minor edit to debpool manpage.
Add --release option for pod2man to set release to 'debpool v0.2.4'.
Set release footer for debpool manpage as well.
Fixed debpool.default paths for log and lock file.
Removing some directories from debpool.dirs as they are automatically created by the various dh_install* tools.
Replaced 'sarge' with 'lenny' for virtual_dists example in DebPool::Config manpage.
Add fix for bug #368554
State in manpage that require_sigs_debs does nothing
Updated comment for DebPool::Dirs::Tree_Mkdir
Only supporting compression interactions through gzip and bzip2 packages.
Applied GnuPG.pm from Magnus Holmgren
Include '--passphrase-fd=0' option when using a passphrase. Fixes minor error.
Minor edit to debpool manpage
Update example Config.pm for new options.
Add note to see DebPool::Config(5) man page for more details.
Include a better example configuration for multiple OS distributions.
Minor edit to changelog.
Minor edit to README of multiple debpools
Removing Other_OS_Config.pm example
Minor edit to changelog
* Applying several patches from Alexei Chetroi.
Made it easier to run debpool as any user other than root using init scripts.
Updated example debpool init and default files. Have debpool setup a default user configuration at {'HOME'}/.debpool. Have the use of the 'daemon' option tested first right after modules are loaded.
Adding tag to close ITA bug. Added Magnus as an uploader.
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