[debpool] Anyone still active?

Magnus Holmgren holmgren at lysator.liu.se
Sun Dec 16 17:36:40 UTC 2007

On fredagen den 14 december 2007, Andres Mejia wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there anyone still active and/or interested in working with
> debpool? I've been working on fixing bugs for debpool. Also, I've made
> myself a private branch in svn with all my changes. It's labeled after
> my name.

I'm not sure when I'll find a big enough chunk of time to get it rolling 
again. There were some open questions about the data structures and storage, 
which I believe you can find in the list archive. Your input would be 

> Also, does anyone know if Joel Aelwyn is interested in maintaining
> debpool still?

I've still not heard anything from him.

Magnus Holmgren        holmgren at lysator.liu.se
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)
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