[debpool] Moved from SVN to git
Magnus Holmgren
holmgren at lysator.liu.se
Sun Apr 20 07:06:14 UTC 2008
On söndagen den 20 april 2008, Andres Mejia wrote:
> Hello,
> I made a request for a directory to use under /git in alioth for the
> debpool project and one was created.
Did I forget to mention that I too requested a git directory earlier?
> Thus, I've now moved everything from
> svn to git. Here are the links.
> Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/debpool/debpool.git
> Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=debpool/debpool.git
> I'm now planning on looking for a sponsor to upload a new version of
> debpool from my branch and calling it version 0.3.0 (since a substantial
> amount of changes were made).
I can sponsor. :-)
> Anyone object?
I'm not sure; please give me just one more moment.
Have you included any changes from my branch?
Magnus Holmgren holmgren at lysator.liu.se holmgren at debian.org
(No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)
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