[debpool] RFS: debpool (updated package)

Andres Mejia mcitadel at gmail.com
Tue May 27 18:05:06 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 27 May 2008 10:31:47 Hilko Bengen wrote:
> Andres Mejia <mcitadel at gmail.com> writes:
> >> I am currently looking at the 0.3.1 version you pointed to. If it
> >> turns out to be useful for my repository maintenance needs @work,
> >> I'd be happy to sponsor uploads and to participate in developing
> >> the package.
> >
> > Yes, I'm still looking for a sponsor.
> After tinkering with it a little bit, I think it will serve as a good
> foundation to our archive infrastructure @work. All it needs is a
> mechanism by which custom scripts can be included. I'd be willing to
> implement and contribute that mechanism, too. However, there's one

Are you talking about hook scripts? There was some talk about this long ago by 
the original maintainer Joel. In any case, feel free to contribute.

> thing that bothers me personally. Quoting from the description:
> > DebPool is [...] designed with a goal of removing any dependency on
> > code not shipped as part of the core Debian system.

That was the goal by the original maintainer. I want to change it so that all 
the functionality of debpool is implemented using Perl and Perl modules and 
minimize the use of other programs.

> Considering that I found quite a few locations in the code where
> readability/maintainability could have been improved by, say, using
> List::Moreutils, I don't think this is a particularly worthwhile goal
> in itself.
> Is keeping things self-contained still a top priority goal and does
> this prevent lib*-perl modules packages from being used?

Well, IMO, other perl modules are ok to use. What I do want is that 
eventually, debpool can work on Debian and non-Debian based systems alike. So 
keeping things self-contained and minimizing the use of other external 
programs as much as possible is a priority.

> Cheers,
> -Hilko

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