moore fredrick moore.fredrick4 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 17:18:05 UTC 2009

Hello Dear,
My name is Fredrick Moore .
I am the son of  Alan Moore of the of the Zimbabwe of the
Movement for Democratic Change led by Mr. Tsvangirai.
My dad was a  white business man turned politician until his

Our problem started when  the president Mugabe and his
Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front turned
against their political rival who are whites and Dutch
living and doing business in Zimbabwe.

Most white farmers lost their businesses and some
industrialists who were of rival parties were run out of
business while some were forced to sell up their stakes in
some big businesses in Zimbabwe.

My dad sold his Farms and 3 Ranches which were situated
along the south Coast of the capital in view of taking his
investments to a more safer country but he was unable to see
to the fulfillments of this desires.

As a results of the  close surveillance by the governments
of Zimbabwe on transfer of money out of the country, my dad
sold up all his stakes in some businesses and bought the
total of 2,865 units of 1kg Gold bars which he deposited
with a Gold Bank in Abuja west Africa.

My dad deposited these Gold Bars with the Gold Bank in
agreements that the Gold belongs to his foreign business
partner whom he was yet to provide his particulars to the
Gold Bank before his untimely death.

I was made the next of Kin to the Agreements my dad had with
the Gold Bank and i reserve the right to appoint the
beneficiary of the consignments.
Based on this i am asking you take up the position of my
fathers foreign business partner so that the Gold
Consignments will be released to you.

We can both arrange for the transfer of this Gold  to your
country where it could be sold and invested in a good and
enterprising market  in your country where the economy is

My family agrees to give you 20% of the Gold  after it has
been successfully transfered to your country.

Looking forward to your response urgently .
Sincerely Yours,
Fredrick Moore

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