[Debtags-devel] Ideas that came out of an Aglianico bottle last night

Enrico Zini enrico@enricozini.org
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 14:32:02 +0100

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Aglianico is a very lovely red wine from southern Italy, with an
interesting taste and around 13.5% alcool volume.

Last night, me, Free and Kalfa drunk a bottle in a nice osteria in
Bologna, while talking about Debtags and CDDs.

Various things came out, among those a nice idea: define a set of
no more than 7 "starting facets" which are the starting point of a
package search.  Once one starts selecting tags from the starting
facets, the rest of the facets can show up.

This set of starting facets could be defined by the CDD (for example
with a config file in /etc/debtags/) and possibly customized by the

I'll try to implement this, together with some smarter facet-based
navigation, into a new version of libdebtags.

Besides this idea, which I like a lot, we discussed some vocabulary
reorganizations, especially sound-related, and Free will be working on
maintaining various sound tags on behalf of the Agnula/Demudi project.



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