[Debtags-devel] ocaml-nox

Thaddeus H. Black t@b-tk.org
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 14:56:02 +0000

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Erich may remember six months ago asking why
the debram ramified all OCaml packages in
the [1800 X] division.  Well, Sven Luther
appears recently to have delivered a working
OCaml implementation which does not depend on X
or TCL.  His `ocaml-nox' is in testing now.

At present, the debram has only the [1837 OCaml]
branch for OCaml packages, but I think that we
can now plan to add a new OCaml branch in
the [1300 Programming] division some time
next year.

A note for interested readers who may not
have been following this list and its
deb-usability-list predecessor closely:  It is
planned to merge debram into debtags following
sarge's release.  Post-sarge packages are to be
tagged in debtags only, not debram.  Therefore,
after sarge's release, what will remain to be
done for debram is

  (a) to check the sarge ramification line by
      line for errors (scheduled for completion
      January 2005---although the date looks
      likely to slip if sarge is not released
  (b) to relieve some overloaded branches by
      splitting them into new ones (scheduled
      for completion June 2005);

  (c) to merge the resulting finished debram
      data into debtags.

Thaddeus H. Black
508 Nellie's Cave Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA
+1 540 961 0920, t@b-tk.org

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