[Debtags-devel] post-sarge tagging

Thaddeus H. Black t@b-tk.org
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 15:26:41 +0000

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When sarge freezes, debram freezes.  Debram
alone naturally is not a complete solution for
Debtags; it provides essentially only one tag
per package.  A more immediate problem looms,

The problem is, when sarge is released, our
database will essentially be up to date---but it
will then fall out of date at the rate of about
one hundred binary packages per week.  This is
the approximate rate at which new packages are
now entering sid.  I would estimate that to keep
up with sid, about four competent volunteer
tagging hours per week will be needed.

Has anyone volunteered to tag the new post-sarge
packages as they come in?

It seems to me that we want someone ready now to
begin tagging new packages post-sarge.
Preferably two people.  Preferably as soon as
Steve Langasek and Colin Watson have declared
the general sarge freeze.  The feeling is, once
we have a complete debtags system, fully
populated with tags, we can really begin to get
the developers to start tagging their own
packages; but we do not want our tag base to
fall too far behind sid in the meantime.

It seems to me that this would be a really good
opportunity for someone new to jump in and make
an important contribution to the Debtags
Project, and indeed to the Debian Project as a
whole.  It is Enrico's place not mine to call
for volunteers here, but I thought that I would
mention the matter.  What do you think?

Thaddeus H. Black
508 Nellie's Cave Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA
+1 540 961 0920, t@b-tk.org

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