[Debtags-devel] Re: Upload of new stuff to unstable
Enrico Zini
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 17:54:21 +0200
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On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 05:29:12PM +0200, Benjamin Mesing wrote:
> > I renamed libtagcoll-dev to libtagcoll1-dev and libdebtags-dev to
> > libdebtags1-dev, and I'm considering uploading to unstable in a day or
> > two:
> Very good, then I can start adapting to the new libs :-)
Cool :)
Please let me know if you need any help. Also, it might be interesting
to move to libapt-front+debtags, once that happens.
> > - it's too late for it to go in sid (good!)
> I assume you mean sarge.
Yes, I do.
> > - it doesn't break existing stuff (it's a new package)
> > - I can upload improved debtags and debtags-edit based on the new libs
> And those will be prevented from hitting testing by libtagcoll1 not
> hitting testing, correct? One note here: you won't be able to make
> bugfixes for debtags(-edit) which can propagate to sarge as
> debtags(-edit) are blocked by the missing libs.
But I can also fix sarge's versions with uploads to
sarge-proposed-updates based on the old codebase.
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