[Debtags-devel] Updating tags on svn

Thaddeus H. Black t at b-tk.org
Mon Aug 22 13:33:47 UTC 2005

Thank you for the attention and for the thorough, unusually constructive
feedback.  I appreciate it.  This thread is quieting down, so I think
that we can post a final draft now.

Enrico, may I have the honor to svn commit?

Tag: role::sw:utility
Description: Lean, tightly focused tools, normally run non-interactively
 Lean, tightly focused tools, normally run non-interactively, which
   * report the state of the system in some respect (as find);
   * automate a well defined task (as cp or dpkg-reconfigure);
   * filter a stream of text or data (as sed);
   * display data in a simple, non-interactive way (as xloadimage); or
   * fetch and/or put data by a specific protocol (as rsync),
     implement a basic client to such a protocol (as ssh), or
     talk to a daemon.
 Also, basic tools which provide generic front ends with unembellished
 interfaces (as bash, xterm or login); basic, unembellished, scriptable,
 command-line-oriented admininstration and configuration tools (as dpkg
 or apt-get); minimalistic dockapps (as wmclock) and other simple X
 tools (as 9menu); primitive line-oriented tools (as more or ed)
 controllable by stdin; and other lean tools in the utility spirit.
 Most packages will get no more than one of the four tags

Tag: role::sw:daemon
Description: Daemons and other background programs
 Daemons and daemon-like programs, including tools run regularly (by
 cron) without user intervention.  Also, programs typically invoked
 automatically in response to network events.
 Most packages will get no more than one of the four tags

Tag: role::sw:application
Description: Interactive, complex, featureful software
 Glossy, powerful, user-friendly software.  Programs too complex,
 unfocused or featureful (as perl or the autotools) to be called
 utilities.  Programs whose normal interface is interactive or
 nonminimalistic (as less, mc, aptitude, mozilla or top).  Configuration
 scripts (as the kernel's) whose only normal mode is a series of
 questions and answers.  Tools which transform data in intricate,
 adaptive or highly nonobvious ways (as latex or gcc).  Programs which
 are used standalone, and not in some processing chain.
 Most packages will get no more than one of the four tags

Tag: role::sw:amusement
Description: Games, toys and trivial amusements
 Note: most packages will get no more than one of the four tags

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