Finally, tags for FireFox!

Hervé Eychenne rv at
Wed Dec 7 15:51:06 UTC 2005

On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 05:22:28PM -0500, Benjamin Mesing wrote:


> >

> Cool. But the guy seems not to use use libtagcoll - I see no facets
> there. Someone to convert :-)

So Enrico's library would have his first user! ;-) That would be great

> Btw. yesterday I thought about a tagged filesystem. Not this database
> stuff everyone is coming up with now. But wouldn't a real file system
> with tags for files instead of directories be a nice idea --
> disregarding the fact that it would probably be a nightmare to work with
> current Operating Systems which so much rely on their directory
> structure...
> Some tags that come up to my mind:
>    * user::{john,dow,root,...}
>    * attributes::{readonly,nobackup,executable...}
>    * type::{application,content,lockfile,backup,..}
>    * content::{audio,video,text...} 

Yes. I have thought of such a system for a very long time now.
But that would probably require the introduction of the notion of
Can a file have no user? Probably not. So the user:: facet would have
to exist (mandatory).
Can there be multiple users? Why not... But some other facets
(properties) would have to contain only one tag, for example.

And what if you want user 'john' to have write access, and user 'dow'
to have readonly access. Two orthogonal facets (user:: and
attributes:: or permissions::) would not make it, it wouldn't be
expressive enough.

I had the same kind of debate (I don't remember with whom) at the very
start of debtags, about the eventual replacement of Packages file
lines by tags (or not). The current tagging system (as it is today)
is not structured enough for every purpose... If it were added some
kind of "DTD" à la XML or LDAP, maybe it would be more generic and


(°=  Hervé Eychenne
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