[Debtags-devel] Re: (Obsolete) Packages I will ask to be removed from the archive
Thaddeus H. Black
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 03:04:02 +0000
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This might or might not interest someone here. Javier
Fernandez-Sanguino Pena today on debian-doc@lists.debian.org:
> I'm considering asking ftp maintainers to remove from the archive the=20
> following software/documentation I maintain. Actually, I haven't done any=
> maintenance tasks in most of these for months, in many cases upstream is=
> dead and the userbase is really low (or inexistant).
> Feel free to speak up if you would like any of these to be kept in Debian:
> - dpkg-iasearch: a pet project (uses bow), neat idea, but seems nobody is=
> using it and it's been around for too long.
> [...]
> If anyone wants to adopt any of these feel free to speak up.=20
> Comments?
> Javier
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