[Debtags-devel] Segfaults when destructing Debtags::Vocabualry for the second time

Benjamin Mesing bensmail@gmx.net
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:10:14 +0100


today I have noticed that my application crashes when invoking one
dialog twice. The reason seems to lie in libdebtags because I did not
change the code recently and I think the bug is not that old.

The code that leads to the segfault is the following (stripped down to
the essence):

        void DebtagsSettingsWidget::init( const set<string>& hiddenFacets )
        	Debtags::Vocabulary vocabulary = Debtags::Environment::get().vocabulary();

Calling it once is fine, but calling it a second time leads to a segfault.

Any ideas which changes in the library might cause this behaviour? Any workaround?

Greetings Ben