How to define feature set of libraries

Enrico Zini enrico at
Thu Aug 31 15:55:55 UTC 2006

On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 02:52:36PM +0200, Matthias Stürmer wrote:

> >                 I think we lack some sort of library-centered use
> >                 facet, listing a
> >                 series of more technical tags.  Like,
> >                 usedevel::linear-algebra,
> >                 usedevel::fft, usedevel::parsing, usedevel::rendering,
> >                 usedevel::gui-components...  That is something I meant
> >                 to propose to the
> >                 list for quite a while. 
> Why not call it generically "feature"? Of course we'd have to make sure
> that we only tag on a reasonable high but still specific level of
> library features to prevent non-sense tags like
> "feature::drag-n-drop"... Although there is a large spectrum of how to
> implement a feature, I think at least for libraries we should be able to
> define an appropriate set of options.

I think that feature could be used to define most tags when applied to
software.  However I think you're right to say that we can make a facet
to look at library features.  libfeature::*, maybe?  libfeature::fft,
libfeature::parsing don't look so well, though :(

> BTW concerning this issue I'd like to ask how to modify the available
> options in debtags-edit? Does anybody know?

You mean, you want to add new tags?  In that case, you can create your
own piece of vocabulary and merge it in the system.  I quote from my
/etc/debtags/sources.list (edited fixing the file: line, which requires
three /, and is wrong in the debtags/sources.list currently in sid)

  # Example of locally maintained custom tag data
  # You can provide your own tag data.  To do so, place a file called
  # vocabulary.gz and a file called tags-current.gz in a directory, and
  # use the directory as a tag source.
  # In the example given below, you would place the tag data in
  # /etc/debtags/mytags/tags-current.gz, and the vocabulary data in
  # /etc/debtags/mytags/vocabulary.gz
  # The format of tags-current.gz is described in the tagcoll(1) manpage
  # and the file is similar to /var/lib/debtags/package-tags.
  # The format of vocabulary.gz is like the Debian Packages file, and
  # the file is# similar to /var/lib/debtags/vocabulary.
  tags file:///etc/debtags/mytags

The tags you put in your custom vocabulary will then be available in



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