A couple of questions

Frank Lichtenheld djpig at debian.org
Mon Dec 4 01:04:47 CET 2006

On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 08:47:10PM +0000, Enrico Zini wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 06:53:36PM +0100, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> > 1a) What is the difference between vocabulary.gz and vocabularu.gz?
> *Gasp!* A typo in the daily maintenance script.  Thank you so much for
> spotting it!  I fixed it.
> Now I deleted vocabularu.gz and vocabulary.gz gets updated as it should.

Ok, I guessed as much but wasn't really sure :)

> > 2) I would like to try to offer something like "debtags related" on
> >    the packages sites. Doing this on the fly is way too slow though.
> >    Would it perhaps make sense to create a central database with
> >    this kind of information?
> Currently, I don't feed the tags to xapian but only the descriptions.
> You can however set up a xapian database for packages.debian.org and
> also add the descriptions in it: that way you get for free a full text
> search which can also tell you "similar packages" and does it by also
> taking tag data into account.

Ok, I will take a look at xapian.

> > 3) I find the smart search interesting as a concept, but I quite frankly
> >    don't understand most of the time what it does and why. E.g.:
> >    3.1) What exactly does "Wanted" and "Available" mean for the tags?
> >         Or better: How are the initial "Wanted" tags computed?
> The ssearch.html page does an extra step and selects some of the most
> relevant tags for you.  It does it by continuously clicking on the most
> relevant 'available' tag and stops when the result set becomes too
> short.

It might be a good idea to add this explanation somewhere on the site.

> >    3.4) Bug: Broadening the search by removing tags again doesn't seem
> >         work at all
> It seems to work now.  It was buggy, then I reload the page to see of
> the "Reset" button change made its way to the site, and broadening the
> tags started to work.

Yeah, seems to work now AFAICT.

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig at debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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