role:: questions

Justin B Rye jbr at
Fri Dec 15 23:29:48 CET 2006

I seem to have developed a set of usage opinions about the role::
facet which might translate into tips, but I don't know whether
anybody else shares them, so I'd like to try fishing for comments.


I'm starting with some tricky cases in the hope that they'll leave
you with answers in mind that _don't_ match mine! 

* gcc exists as a sort of "escalator" dependency package to keep
  whatever-C-compiler-is-currently-default installed, but it isn't
  empty - it contains the /usr/bin/gcc symlink, so you need it for
  compiles.  Is gcc role::dummy?

* the package mailreader contains CGI scripts, but puts nothing in
  any $PATH directory.  Is it a ::program, a ::plugin, or what?

* if a package contains nothing but .php files, is that a ::program?

* similarly, packages don't put an executable on my
  $PATH, they use symlinks to wrapperscripts, and hide their actual
  contents under /usr/lib/GNUstep - ::program?  ::plugin?

* are font-packages ::data or ::app-data?  Or do they vary?

* linux-headers-2.6.X-foo must be ::devel-lib, but how about
  linux-image-2.6.X-foo - ::program?  ::TODO?  Or what?

* are unionfs-modules-2.6.X-foo and libapache2-mod-foo ::plugin?

* libfoo-dbg is ::shared-lib plus some devel:: tag or other.  They
  seem to be getting devel::debugger - is that right?

* is cl-foo implemented-in::lisp role::shared-lib, like its 
  equivalents in ::perl or ::python or the like?  Or are they
  role::devel-lib?  (And if it varies from one programming language
  to the next, how about libfoo-ruby, -ocaml, -lua, -cil...?)

* is debian-policy ::documentation or ::data?  How about


This is the nearest I can get to a set of guidelines for the role::

* any package that exists purely for the sake of the dependencies in
  its control file is role::dummy.  It may pull in suites, it may
  ensure exactly the right member of a set is installed, it may be a
  name-change-handler package, or it may be something slightly more
  complicated.  One of the commonest inter-release problems is that
  contentful packages get replaced by empty packages of the same
  name, or vice-versa.

* I've just noticed that my local vocabulary file distinguishes a
  role::metapackage, but the online editor doesn't.  Is the idea
  that it has been merged into role::dummy?  (If so, good.)

* packages that put executables on $PATH are role::program.  If they
  put them elsewhere - in run-parts directories, /usr/lib/cgi-bin,
  /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp etc - things aren't as clear.  Such
  packages usually include some straightforward utilities too, but
  there's room for debate about whether they "count" - if foo-data
  contains 10MB of XML, it's role::app-data, even if it does come
  with a shell-oneliner /usr/sbin/update-foodata.

* you'd think role::shared-library packages would be easy to spot,
  but unfortunately their names don't all begin with or even contain
  the string "lib".  Nor are libfoo-{bin,common,dev,doc} usually
  libraries, and a plain libfoo package may turn out on closer
  examination to be a role::dummy to pull in libfoo42. 

* role::app-data packages are distinguished from ::shared-lib ones
  by content - rather than loadable code, they contain XML, images,
  config-files, TeX stylesheets or other infrastructure required at

* role::plugin is mostly distinguished from role::shared-library by
  dependency strength: if it provides code modules needed for a
  program to work, it's ::shared-library, but if they just make it
  more flexible, and particularly if they're specific to that one
  app (so the dependency runs backwards), it's ::plugin.  Plugins
  may even cause new icons to appear on a desktop, but they aren't
  role::program unless they run out of /usr/bin.

* packages tagged role::data are like ::app-data but are provided
  directly for the benefit of users rather than for any particular
  package.  They're like role::plugin, but static data rather than
  libraries.  E-books are the classic example.

* role::documentation is for packages that actually contain docs
  for Debian-relevant subjects - foo-doc packages are
  ::documentation, bibles are ::data, but the borderline is unclear.
  Manpage-editors and infrastructure packages like dwww aren't
  role::documentation or made-of::documentation, they're
  works-with::documentation (or would be if that existed).

* role::source packages let you "apt-get install foo-source" - it's
  effectively like "apt-get source foo", except that it goes through
  the package database, so it can be used as a build dependency.  Or
  at least, I think that's the idea... also I suppose some nonfree
  packages exist only in this form for license reasons.

* role::devel-lib packages provide code for use at build-time, other
  than actual package source code.  Usually they're recognisable by
  the fact the package name ends in -dev, but there are exceptions
  like manpages-dev (::documentation) and xutils-dev (::program),
  plus plenty of ::dummy dev-packages.

So, how close am I to something people agree on?
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)

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