New on-disk index

Enrico Zini enrico at
Tue Feb 21 13:34:10 UTC 2006


Recently I've been busy with Tagcoll code.  More specifically, I've been
working on a new high-performance disk index.  I've also implemented
some basic benchmarks.  These are the results:

================  ====================  ====================  ==========
Operation         TDBReadonlyDiskIndex  BasicStringDiskIndex  TDBIndexer
================  ====================  ====================  ==========
instantiating                    30ms                    0ms       310ms
hasTag                          200ms                    0ms         0ms
getTags[item]                   180ms                   90ms        40ms
getTags[items]                   10ms                    0ms         0ms
getItems[tag]                   330ms                   80ms        30ms
getItems[tags]                 1140ms                   20ms       170ms
getTaggedItems                   50ms                   10ms        20ms
getAllTags                      270ms                    0ms         0ms
getCardinality                  190ms                    0ms        40ms
getCompanionTags               1410ms                   60ms       280ms
output                        18910ms                 7740ms        50ms
outputHavingTags               1330ms                   90ms       200ms
================  ====================  ====================  ==========

TDBReadonlyDiskIndex is the disk index that is currently used in Debtags,
BasicStringDiskIndex is the new disk index and TDBIndexer is an in-memory only
index implemented with two binary trees.

I'd say, definitely not too bad.  YAY! :)



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