Further ideas for Debtags AI

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Wed Jun 14 14:01:11 UTC 2006

> > For the end user, I'd just pre-compute this information on a regular
> > interval and store it in a lookup database, when possible.
> If a single evaluation would take 1 second (seems to take ~3 atm), the
> time required to pre-compute the data (~555 tags, ~10000 packages) would
> take about two months (if my calculations are correct). I don't think
> this approach would be feasible, although it would speed up everything
> considerably.

Additionally help is often wanted for new packages. At least eventually
tagging should become a step in the initial packaging.
I also hope, that such a calculation can be sped up, since otherwise it
would mean, that it takes around 10 minutes until you get a suggestion
for a single package from the tagger.

Best regards 


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