vocabulary structure [tag (non-)hierarchy]

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Wed Jun 28 13:33:30 UTC 2006


> Apparently, there was an effort to reduce amount of facets by "hierarchizing"
> things. The problem with that is that there is no "natural" hierarchy, so most
> of the time, these hierarchies are forced.
I think you have a point here. The examples you presented were very
enlightening. I think this grouping was done when trying to reduce
complexity for the user presentation, so if we are recognizing that a
lot of the current grouping is bad, we will have to find ways to reduce
complexity for the user in other ways.
So it seems like the two big challenges for the "debtags team" are:
     1. Develop a good vocabulary.
     2. Find approaches to reduce the complexity in user interfaces.

I think we should always remember this and keep those two things
separate in our minds. Though I admit that I used to - and still do -
mingle those two things. However, we also need to keep the vocabulary at
a reasonable complexity. If it explodes, no one except some experts will
be able to do good tagging. And than debtags will become useless. This
is because I do not think that tools/user interfaces will ever suffice
to reduce the complexities for the people doing the tagging if it
becomes to large.

Best regards 


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