Tag reorganization proposal: devel::*

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Fri Jun 30 16:27:53 UTC 2006


> Right now, the devel facet could be described as "how package relates to
> development and development language" which is a good indication of the fact
> it should be split.
Ok, I think I get your point. Given your thoughts and thinking it
through, I don't think the devel facet is really well defined. Things
"related to SW development" in my understanding also include the
programming language. But I also understand that it is a separate facet.
Thus my conclusion that the devel:: facet is not well defined yet, or
even artificial.

Let me point out some things I have problems with:
     1. the position of devel::ecma-cli seems unclear to me, it is about
        what we are developing for, not how it fits within the
     2. same applies for devel::{i18n?,rpc,runtime,debian?}
     3. devel::machinecode definetely should reside in the same facet as
     4. there is no consistency in the devel facet, e.g. we have
        devel::debugger and devel::packaging (verb vs. noun), I think
        this hints that the facet is not well defined
     5. IMO also a use tag like "use::development" is missing, that
        could remove the devel::editor tag, it could be achieved by when
        we have use::editing and use::development.

I don't say we need to solve all this, but I want to make you aware of
it. I don't have a complete solution either, but I have some ideas.
Perhaps we need another facet. Perhaps we even need to get rid of
Perhaps devel-language is to small and it should become
Many tags currently in devel belong into use:: (like debugging,
code-generating, profiling...). I know this point was raised before (and
I voted for keeping the devel facet). But it seems to make trouble now.
Basically it seems more like a refinement hierarchy to me:
          +- use::devel-bugtracking
          +- use::devel-profiling
So we could add those to the use facet.

That would leave
      * devel::debian,
      * devel::ide,
      * devel::library,
      * devel::machinecode,
      * devel::rpc and
      * devel::runtime
flying around. 
devel::machine-code might go into devel-language but I am not sure about
Libary is covered by role::devel-lib.
devel::ide could become role::ide. 
devel::debian is covered by suite::debian and use::development. For
devel::rpc and devel::runtime I have no idea.

How to easily find development related things and avoid cluttering the
other facets, I will address in the UI thread.

Best regards 


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