debtags update called from packagesearch results in /var/lib/debtags/* files to have restricitve permissions

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at
Tue Oct 10 07:11:34 UTC 2006


> Wow.  What the...  What is the umask you have in pkgsearch?  It should
> just follow the umask...
Ahh, that's the problem!
root umask is 022 and the umask of my user is 027. So when launching
"debtags update" from inside packagesearch using "su -c" the users umask
is used, resulting in the problems described. When launching "debtags
update" from a root login, roots umask is applied and nothing goes

> This is the code I use:
> 	// Read the current umask
> 	mode_t mask = umask(0);
> 	umask(mask);
> 	// Set the file permissions
> 	if (fchmod(fd, 0666 & ~mask) == -1)
> 		throw wibble::exception::System("setting permissions on file " + tmpname);
> And still, I'd only use that code on the .idx files, not on the other
> files.  It sounds to me that the umask at rebuilding time has something
> wrong.
I would vote for not considering the umask setting when building the
index files, in fact all files in /var/lib/debtags should be explicitly
set to 0644. Otherwise only root will be able to use debtags, if root's
umask is set to "XX7". I would consider that to be a bug in debtags.

Do you agree or should I fix the umask on the packagesearch side?

Best regards 


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