Crossing debtags and popcon

Enrico Zini enrico at
Thu Feb 1 12:20:21 CET 2007

On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 09:02:45AM +0100, Benjamin Mesing wrote:

> > have a look:
> > Given a popcon submission, it finds similar systems and provide package
> > suggestions based on them.  Then the results are presented broken down
> > by tag, and tags can also be used to filter the results to specific
> > contexts (like games, gui apps or software development).
> I don't understand how this is working. What do you mean by: "Given a
> popcon submission, it finds similar systems and provide package
> suggestions based on them."?
> What is the problem this is trying to solve?

It shows the packages that are not in your system, but are usually
found in similar systems.  Think amazon-like suggestions, computed with
popcon data and broken down by tag.

The primary problem it is trying to solve is to give me an opportunity
to play with what could be done cross-referencing popcon and debtags

As a side effect, it could be very effective in bringing to your
attention packages that you might have been missing.  For example, now I
know of the fantastic "gmt" package, very useful for my work: it was the
first suggestion in the page, but I hadn't heard of it before.



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