Debian Open Rating System

Miriam Ruiz miriam at
Wed Sep 24 21:18:04 UTC 2008

2008/9/24 Richard Hartmann <richih.mailinglist at>:

> Who complained, specifically? If tags may not have more than two
> levels, one can get rid of the one extra level, just as well.
> I suspect this might stem from a perceived threat of tags becoming
> insanely long, which can easily be prevented by creating guidelines
> and a pool to choose from. Which is exactly what you are doing,
> atm.

Yup, there are two levels: facet and tag

>> Top Level. As I said, I don't like something like
>> openrating:physical::.... (: vs :: again)
> What _is_ the difference between the two? RTFM is a valid answer,
> I just don't have time atm, but can do so later :)

It's really just a trick. In
"openrating:physical::coordination-required:low" you would mean that
"openrating:physical" is the facet and "coordination-required:low" the
tag. It seemed to be quite complex and require some explanation, which
really seemed unneccesary if you got rid of them. Those long names can
complicate the templates more than is needed anyway.


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