No subject

Sun Feb 15 23:16:50 UTC 2009

sense and he has to seek for packages in "unexpected" sections.  Blends
try to follow the user oriented view and ask users what package they
would like to install to solve a certain task.

So far for the theory.  I would like to make you think about other
use cases of user oriented categorisation in the sense above.  For
instance I could think about fields like accessibility oriented
packages, packages regarding forensics, etc.  Just think about
whether it would be interesting for users who need a quick overview
about the available packages for a certain task (well, in Blends
we stretch the system in the tasks pages even further to packages
which could be included in the future for some tasks).

If the concept works out as promising or successful I plan further
integration with DebTags (for instance including DebTagged packages
if missing on the tasks pages, adapting DebTags to the available
tasks etc.).

Kind regards




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