r245 - /apt-transport-debtorrent/trunk/debtorrent.cc

camrdale-guest at users.alioth.debian.org camrdale-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 15 00:23:15 UTC 2007

Author: camrdale-guest
Date: Wed Aug 15 00:23:15 2007
New Revision: 245

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/?sc=1&rev=245
Remove the http proxying.


Modified: apt-transport-debtorrent/trunk/debtorrent.cc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/apt-transport-debtorrent/trunk/debtorrent.cc?rev=245&op=diff
--- apt-transport-debtorrent/trunk/debtorrent.cc (original)
+++ apt-transport-debtorrent/trunk/debtorrent.cc Wed Aug 15 00:23:15 2007
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
 time_t HttpMethod::FailTime = 0;
 unsigned long TimeOut = 120;
 bool Debug = false;
-URI Proxy;
 unsigned long CircleBuf::BwReadLimit=0;
 unsigned long CircleBuf::BwTickReadData=0;
@@ -306,49 +305,15 @@
    Persistent = true;
-   // Determine the proxy setting
-   if (getenv("http_proxy") == 0)
-   {
-      string DefProxy = _config->Find("Acquire::http::Proxy");
-      string SpecificProxy = _config->Find("Acquire::http::Proxy::" + ServerName.Host);
-      if (SpecificProxy.empty() == false)
-      {
-	 if (SpecificProxy == "DIRECT")
-	    Proxy = "";
-	 else
-	    Proxy = SpecificProxy;
-      }   
-      else
-	 Proxy = DefProxy;
-   }
-   else
-      Proxy = getenv("http_proxy");
-   // Parse no_proxy, a , separated list of domains
-   if (getenv("no_proxy") != 0)
-   {
-      if (CheckDomainList(ServerName.Host,getenv("no_proxy")) == true)
-	 Proxy = "";
-   }
    // Determine what host and port to use based on the proxy settings
    int Port = 0;
    string Host;   
-   if (Proxy.empty() == true || Proxy.Host.empty() == true)
-   {
-      if (ServerName.Port != 0)
-	 Port = ServerName.Port;
-      Host = ServerName.Host;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      if (Proxy.Port != 0)
-	 Port = Proxy.Port;
-      Host = Proxy.Host;
-   }
+   if (ServerName.Port != 0)
+      Port = ServerName.Port;
+   Host = ServerName.Host;
    // Connect to the remote server
-   if (Connect(Host,Port,"http",80,ServerFd,TimeOut,Owner) == false)
+   if (Connect(Host,Port,"http",9988,ServerFd,TimeOut,Owner) == false)
       return false;
    return true;
@@ -650,40 +615,11 @@
    if (Itm->Uri.length() >= sizeof(Buf))
-   /* Build the request. We include a keep-alive header only for non-proxy
-      requests. This is to tweak old http/1.0 servers that do support keep-alive
-      but not HTTP/1.1 automatic keep-alive. Doing this with a proxy server 
-      will glitch HTTP/1.0 proxies because they do not filter it out and 
-      pass it on, HTTP/1.1 says the connection should default to keep alive
-      and we expect the proxy to do this */
-   if (Proxy.empty() == true || Proxy.Host.empty())
-      sprintf(Buf,"GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n",
-	      QuoteString(Uri.Path,"~").c_str(),ProperHost.c_str());
-   else
-   {
-      /* Generate a cache control header if necessary. We place a max
-       	 cache age on index files, optionally set a no-cache directive
-       	 and a no-store directive for archives. */
-      sprintf(Buf,"GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
-	      Itm->Uri.c_str(),ProperHost.c_str());
-      // only generate a cache control header if we actually want to 
-      // use a cache
-      if (_config->FindB("Acquire::http::No-Cache",false) == false)
-      {
-	 if (Itm->IndexFile == true)
-	    sprintf(Buf+strlen(Buf),"Cache-Control: max-age=%u\r\n",
-		    _config->FindI("Acquire::http::Max-Age",0));
-	 else
-	 {
-	    if (_config->FindB("Acquire::http::No-Store",false) == true)
-	       strcat(Buf,"Cache-Control: no-store\r\n");
-	 }	 
-      }
-   }
-   // generate a no-cache header if needed
-   if (_config->FindB("Acquire::http::No-Cache",false) == true)
-      strcat(Buf,"Cache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n");
+   /* Build the request. We include a keep-alive header to tweak old
+      http/1.0 servers that do support keep-alive but not HTTP/1.1
+      automatic keep-alive.  */
+   sprintf(Buf,"GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n",
+	   QuoteString(Uri.Path,"~").c_str(),ProperHost.c_str());
    string Req = Buf;
@@ -704,10 +640,6 @@
 	 Req += Buf;
-   if (Proxy.User.empty() == false || Proxy.Password.empty() == false)
-      Req += string("Proxy-Authorization: Basic ") + 
-          Base64Encode(Proxy.User + ":" + Proxy.Password) + "\r\n";
    if (Uri.User.empty() == false || Uri.Password.empty() == false)
       Req += string("Authorization: Basic ") + 

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