r139 - /debtorrent/trunk/config.debtorrent.ini

camrdale-guest at users.alioth.debian.org camrdale-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 10 06:56:21 UTC 2007

Author: camrdale-guest
Date: Tue Jul 10 06:56:21 2007
New Revision: 139

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/?sc=1&rev=139
Add the new config file (unfinished).


Added: debtorrent/trunk/config.debtorrent.ini
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/debtorrent/trunk/config.debtorrent.ini?rev=139&op=file
--- debtorrent/trunk/config.debtorrent.ini (added)
+++ debtorrent/trunk/config.debtorrent.ini Tue Jul 10 06:56:21 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,733 @@
+#              D E B T O R R E N T   C O N F I G U R A T I O N
+# This is a Windows-style INI file for configuring DebTorrent.
+# Values that are strings are written surrounded by quotes, and the decoding
+# routine automatically strips any quotes from the values. Booleans are 
+# written as integers, with 0 being false, anything else is true. Decimal
+# numbers are read in as floats. Anything other than strings, integers, and 
+# floats may have unpredictable results. Lines beginning with a '#' are
+# considered comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. There are no 
+# sections, all configuration variables are global.
+# This file should be placed in /etc/debtorrent
+#                              L O C A T I O N S
+# config_dir
+# the directory to use to get/store configuration files, if not specified then a .DebTorrent directory in the user's home directory will be used
+# config_dir = "/etc/debtorrent"
+# cache_dir
+# the directory to use to get/store cache files, if not specified then a .DebTorrent directory in the user's home directory will be used
+# cache_dir = "/var/cache/debtorrent/.cache"
+# saveas
+# local file name to save the file as, null indicates query user
+# saveas = "/var/cache/debtorrent"
+# saveas_style
+# How to name torrent download directory (1 = <mirror>_dists_<suite>_<section>_binary-<arch>, 2 = <mirror> (caution: experimental))
+# saveas_style = 1
+#                          R A T E   L I M I T S
+# Maximum Upload Rate
+# The maximum rate to upload at, in kB/s (0 = no limit, -1 = automatic).
+# max_upload_rate = 0
+# Maximum Download Rate
+# The maximum rate to download at, in kB/s (0 = no limit)
+# max_download_rate = 0
+# Upload Rate Fudge
+# The time equivalent of writing to kernel-level TCP buffer, for rate 
+# adjustment.
+# upload_rate_fudge = 5.0
+# TCP Ack Fudge
+# How much TCP ACK download overhead to add to upload rate calculations 
+# (0 = disabled).
+# tcp_ack_fudge = 0.03
+# Maximum Rate Period
+# The maximum amount of time to guess the current rate estimate represents
+# (in seconds).
+# max_rate_period = 20.0
+# upload_unit_size
+# when limiting upload rate, how many bytes to send at a time
+# upload_unit_size = 1460
+#                     I N C O M I N G   C O N N E C T I O N S
+# bind
+# comma-separated list of ips/hostnames to bind to locally
+# bind = ""
+# ip
+# ip to report you have to the tracker.
+# ip = ""
+# minport
+# minimum port to listen on, counts up if unavailable
+# minport = 10000
+# maxport
+# maximum port to listen on
+# maxport = 60000
+# random_port
+# whether to choose randomly inside the port range instead of counting up linearly
+# random_port = 1
+# ipv6_enabled
+# allow the client to connect to peers via IPv6
+# ipv6_enabled = 0
+# ipv6_binds_v4
+# set if an IPv6 server socket will also field IPv4 connections
+# ipv6_binds_v4 = 0
+# expire_cache_data
+# the number of days after which you wish to expire old cache data (0 = disabled)
+# expire_cache_data = 10
+# timeout
+# time to wait between closing sockets which nothing has been received on
+# timeout = 300.0
+# timeout_check_interval
+# time to wait between checking if any connections have timed out
+# timeout_check_interval = 60.0
+#                     T R A C K E R   C O N N E C T I O N S
+# default_tracker
+# the default tracker address to use for new torrents
+# default_tracker = http://dttracker.debian.net:6969/announce
+# rerequest_interval
+# time to wait between requesting more peers
+# rerequest_interval = 300
+# min_peers
+# minimum number of peers to not do rerequesting
+# min_peers = 20
+# max_initiate
+# number of peers at which to stop initiating new connections
+# max_initiate = 40
+# http_timeout
+# number of seconds to wait before assuming that an http connection has timed out
+# http_timeout = 60
+#                            E N C R Y P T I O N
+# These variables control the use of encryption by the client. Encyption can
+# be used to speed up downloads for clients on ISPs that attempt to filter or
+# shape bittorrent downloads. To see the recommended encryption level for your
+# ISP, go to:
+#         http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Bad_ISPs
+# The encryption levels listed here:
+#         http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Avoid_traffic_shaping
+# correspond to DebTorrent configuration variables of:
+#      Encryption
+#        Level          crypto_allowed     crypto_only     crypto_stealth
+#      ----------       --------------     -----------     --------------
+#           0                 0                 0                0
+#           1 (default)       1                 0                0
+#           2                 1                 1                0
+#           4                 1                 1                1
+# The encryption standard followed, developed by Azureus, is available at:
+#         http://www.azureuswiki.com/index.php/Message_Stream_Encryption
+# DebTorrent supports both header-only and full-stream encryption, though
+# header-only is only supported in one of DebTorrent's four encryption
+# modes.
+# These modes are:
+# 0. No encryption permitted. The client won't make any encrypted
+#    connections.
+# 1. Encryption enabled (default). The client will accept incoming
+#    encrypted connections, and will make outgoing encrypted connections
+#    if the tracker tells it that peer requires it (and if the tracker has
+#    the extensions to do so). In this mode, the client will recognize
+#    header-only encryption.
+# 2. Encrypted connections only. This restricts the client to only
+#    connecting via encrypted links, and only via full stream encryption.
+#    This may drastically affect the ability of the client to connect to
+#    peers with a tracker that doesn't support the crypto extensions.
+# 4. Full stealth encryption. Like the above mode, except it also modifies
+#    tracker communications so that (assuming peers are coded properly) the
+#    client will never receive any unencrypted incoming connection attempts.
+#    If the tracker doesn't support the crypto extensions, this will also
+#    effectively firewall the client.
+# Crypto Allowed
+# Whether to allow the client to accept encrypted connections.
+# crypto_allowed = 1
+# Crypto Only
+# Whether to only create or allow encrypted connections.
+# crypto_only = 0
+# Crypto Stealth
+# Whether to prevent all non-encrypted connection attempts; will result in an 
+# effectively firewalled state on older trackers.
+# crypto_stealth = 0
+#                     B I T T O R R E N T   O P T I O N S
+# These variables control some of the inner workings of the bittorrent client.
+# It is NOT recommended that you change them unless you are VERY familiar with
+# bittorrent, as poor choices for some of the variables can result in other
+# clients refusing to connect to you.
+# max_uploads
+# the maximum number of uploads to allow at once.
+# max_uploads = 7
+# keepalive_interval
+# number of seconds to pause between sending keepalives
+# keepalive_interval = 120.0
+# download_slice_size
+# How many bytes to query for per request.
+# download_slice_size = 16384
+# request_backlog
+# maximum number of requests to keep in a single pipe at once.
+# request_backlog = 10
+# max_message_length
+# maximum length prefix encoding you'll accept over the wire - larger values get the connection dropped.
+# max_message_length = 8388608
+# max_slice_length
+# maximum length slice to send to peers, larger requests are ignored
+# max_slice_length = 131072
+# rarest_first_cutoff
+# number of downloads at which to switch from random to rarest first
+# rarest_first_cutoff = 2
+# rarest_first_priority_cutoff
+# the number of peers which need to have a piece before other partials take priority over rarest first
+# rarest_first_priority_cutoff = 5
+# breakup_seed_bitfield
+# sends an incomplete bitfield and then fills with have messages, in order to get around stupid ISP manipulation
+# breakup_seed_bitfield = 1
+# snub_time
+# seconds to wait for data to come in over a connection before assuming it's semi-permanently choked
+# snub_time = 30.0
+# min_uploads
+# the number of uploads to fill out to with extra optimistic unchokes
+# min_uploads = 4
+# round_robin_period
+# the number of seconds between the client's switching upload targets
+# round_robin_period = 30
+# security
+# whether to enable extra security features intended to prevent abuse
+# security = 1
+# max_connections
+# the absolute maximum number of peers to connect with (0 = no limit)
+# max_connections = 0
+# auto_kick
+# whether to allow the client to automatically kick/ban peers that send bad data
+# auto_kick = 1
+#                           F I L E   S Y S T E M
+# buffer_reads
+# whether to buffer disk reads
+# buffer_reads = 1
+# write_buffer_size
+# the maximum amount of space to use for buffering disk writes (in megabytes, 0 = disabled)
+# write_buffer_size = 4
+# max_files_open
+# the maximum number of files to keep open at a time, 0 means no limit
+# max_files_open = 50
+# check_hashes
+# whether to check hashes on disk
+# check_hashes = 1
+# double_check
+# whether to double-check data being written to the disk for errors (may increase CPU load)
+# double_check = 1
+# triple_check
+# whether to thoroughly check data being written to the disk (may slow disk access)
+# triple_check = 0
+# lock_files
+# whether to lock files the client is working with
+# lock_files = 1
+# lock_while_reading
+# whether to lock access to files being read
+# lock_while_reading = 0
+# auto_flush
+# minutes between automatic flushes to disk (0 = disabled)
+# auto_flush = 0
+#              A D V A N C E D   B I T T O R R E N T   S T U F F
+# super_seeder
+# whether to use special upload-efficiency-maximizing routines (only for dedicated seeds)
+# super_seeder = 0
+# dedicated_seed_id
+# code to send to tracker identifying as a dedicated seed
+# dedicated_seed_id = ""
+#               B A C K U P   H T T P   D O W N L O A D E R
+# disable_http_downloader
+# (for testing purposes only) whether to disable the backup HTTP downloader
+# disable_http_downloader = 0
+#                        O T H E R   T H I N G S
+# display_path
+# whether to display the full path or the torrent contents for each torrent
+# display_path = 0
+# Separate All
+# Whether to separate the architecture:all packages into a separate torrent:
+#         0 -- Don't separate, only run a single torrent for all packages
+#         1 -- Separate, and run the architecture:all torrent
+#         2 -- Separate, and run the the non-architecture:all torrent
+#         3 -- Separate, and run both torrents
+# separate_all = 0
+#                            A P T   L I S T E N E R
+# port
+# port to listen for apt on
+# port = 9988
+# min_time_between_log_flushes
+# minimum time it must have been since the last flush to do another one
+# min_time_between_log_flushes = 3.0
+# dfile
+# file to store recent apt downloader info in
+# dfile = ""
+# socket_timeout
+# timeout for closing connections
+# socket_timeout = 15
+# save_dfile_interval
+# seconds between saving dfile
+# save_dfile_interval = 300
+# min_time_between_log_flushes
+# minimum time it must have been since the last flush to do another one
+# min_time_between_log_flushes = 3.0
+# min_time_between_cache_refreshes
+# minimum time in seconds before a cache is considered stale and is flushed
+# min_time_between_cache_refreshes = 600.0
+# allowed_dir
+# only allow downloads for .dtorrents in this dir
+# allowed_dir = ""
+# allowed_list
+# only allow downloads for hashes in this list (hex format, one per line)
+# allowed_list = ""
+# hupmonitor
+# whether to reopen the log file upon receipt of HUP signal
+# hupmonitor = 0
+# http_timeout
+# number of seconds to wait before assuming that an http connection has timed out
+# http_timeout = 60
+# apt_parse_dir_interval
+# seconds between reloading of allowed_dir or allowed_file and allowed_ips and banned_ips lists for apt
+# apt_parse_dir_interval = 60
+# show_infopage
+# whether to display an info page when the tracker's root dir is loaded
+# show_infopage = 1
+# infopage_redirect
+# a URL to redirect the info page to
+# infopage_redirect = ""
+# show_names
+# whether to display names from allowed dir
+show_names = 1
+# favicon
+# file containing x-icon data to return when browser requests favicon.ico
+# favicon = ""
+# allowed_ips
+# only allow connections from IPs specified in the given file; file contains subnet data in the format: aa.bb.cc.dd/len
+# allowed_ips = ""
+# banned_ips
+# don't allow connections from IPs specified in the given file; file contains IP range data in the format: xxx:xxx:ip1-ip2
+# banned_ips = ""
+# logfile
+# file to write the tracker logs, use - for stdout (default)
+# logfile = ""
+# allow_get
+# use with allowed_dir; adds a /file?hash={hash} url that allows users to download the torrent file
+# allow_get = 0

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