r359 - in /debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1: AptListener.py makemetafile.py

camrdale-guest at users.alioth.debian.org camrdale-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jan 27 02:07:39 UTC 2008

Author: camrdale-guest
Date: Sun Jan 27 02:07:38 2008
New Revision: 359

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/?sc=1&rev=359
TorrentCreator uses the HTTPCache to download files.


Modified: debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/AptListener.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/AptListener.py?rev=359&op=diff
--- debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/AptListener.py (original)
+++ debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/AptListener.py Sun Jan 27 02:07:38 2008
@@ -369,10 +369,11 @@
             if path[-1] in ('Packages', 'Packages.gz', 'Packages.bz2'):
                 TorrentCreator(path, filename, self.start_torrent, 
-                               self.rawserver.add_task, self.config)
+                               self.rawserver.add_task, self.Cache, self.config)
             # Returning a file, so open the file to be returned
-            r = r[0:3] + (open(filename, 'rb'), )
+            if r[0] != 304:
+                r = r[0:3] + (open(filename, 'rb'), )
             return r
@@ -407,9 +408,9 @@
         # If it's a torrent file, start it
         if r[0] == 200 and path[-1] in ('Packages', 'Packages.gz', 'Packages.bz2'):
             TorrentCreator(path, filename, self.start_torrent,
-                           self.rawserver.add_task, self.config)
-        if filename:
+                           self.rawserver.add_task, self.Cache, self.config)
+        if filename and r[0] != 304:
             # Returning a file, so open the file to be returned
             r = r[0:3] + (open(filename, 'rb'), )

Modified: debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/makemetafile.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debtorrent/debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/makemetafile.py?rev=359&op=diff
--- debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/makemetafile.py (original)
+++ debtorrent/trunk/DebTorrent/BT1/makemetafile.py Sun Jan 27 02:07:38 2008
@@ -296,14 +296,11 @@
         "sha1-pieces": [ "SHA1", "size" ],
-def getsubpieces(file, pieces_file = ''):
-    """Retrieve the sub-package piece information for the Packages file.
-    @type file: C{string}
-    @param file: the Packages file name to retrieve piece information for
+def getsubpieces(pieces_file):
+    """Process the sub-package piece information for the Packages file.
     @type pieces_file: C{string}
     @param pieces_file: the file that contains the piece information
-        (optional, defaults to retrieving the info from the web)
     @rtype: C{dictionary}
     @return: the piece info, keys are the file names, values are tuples of 
         a list of piece SHA1 hashes and a list of piece sizes
@@ -314,49 +311,13 @@
     packages = 0
     piece_url = ''
-    if pieces_file:
-        try:
-            if torrent_file.endswith('.gz'):
-                f = gzip.open(pieces_file)
-            else:
-                f = open(pieces_file)
-        except:
-            logger.exception('sub-pieces file not found: '+pieces_file)
-            return {}
-    elif 'dists' in file.split('_'):
-        try:
-            parts = file.split('_')
-            try:
-                parts[parts.index('stable', parts.index('dists'))] = 'etch'
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                parts[parts.index('testing', parts.index('dists'))] = 'lenny'
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                parts[parts.index('unstable', parts.index('dists'))] = 'sid'
-            except:
-                pass
-            piece_url = 'http://merkel.debian.org/~ajt/extrapieces/dists_'
-            piece_url += '_'.join(parts[parts.index('dists')+1:])
-            if piece_url.endswith('.gz'):
-                piece_url = piece_url[:-3]
-            if piece_url.endswith('.bz2'):
-                piece_url = piece_url[:-4]
-            piece_url += '-extrapieces.gz'
-            piece_file = urlopen(piece_url)
-            piece_data = piece_file.read()
-            try:
-                piece_file.close()
-            except:
-                pass
-            f = piece_data.split('\n')
-        except:
-            logger.exception('sub-pieces URL not working: '+piece_url)
-            return {}
-    else:
-        logger.warning('unable to find sub-pieces data')
+    try:
+        if pieces_file.endswith('.gz'):
+            f = gzip.open(pieces_file)
+        else:
+            f = open(pieces_file)
+    except:
+        logger.exception('sub-pieces file not found: '+pieces_file)
         return {}
     for pkg in ExtraPieces.iter_paragraphs(f):
@@ -382,17 +343,11 @@
         "piecenumbers": [ "number", "file" ],
-def getordering(file, torrent_file = '', all = False):
+def getordering(torrent_file):
     """Retrieve unique piece piece ordering information for the Packages file.
-    @type file: C{string}
-    @param file: the Packages file name to retrieve piece ordering information for
     @type torrent_file: C{string}
     @param torrent_file: the file that contains the piece ordering information
-        (optional, defaults to retrieving the info from the web)
-    @type all: C{boolean}
-    @param all: whether to get it for the architecture, or for arch:all
-        (optional, defaults to the specific architecture)
     @rtype: C{dictionary}
     @return: the piece ordering info, keys are the starting piece numbers to
         use for the files, values are the file names
@@ -403,51 +358,13 @@
     headers = {}
     piece_url = ''
-    if torrent_file:
-        try:
-            if torrent_file.endswith('.gz'):
-                f = gzip.open(torrent_file)
-            else:
-                f = open(torrent_file)
-        except:
-            logger.exception('torrent ordering file not found: '+torrent_file)
-            return (pieces, headers)
-    elif 'dists' in file.split('_'):
-        try:
-            parts = file.split('_')
-            try:
-                parts[parts.index('stable', parts.index('dists'))] = 'etch'
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                parts[parts.index('testing', parts.index('dists'))] = 'lenny'
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                parts[parts.index('unstable', parts.index('dists'))] = 'sid'
-            except:
-                pass
-            piece_url = 'http://debian.camrdale.org/debtorrent/dists_'
-            piece_url += '_'.join(parts[parts.index('dists')+1:])
-            if piece_url.endswith('.gz'):
-                piece_url = piece_url[:-3]
-            if piece_url.endswith('.bz2'):
-                piece_url = piece_url[:-4]
-            piece_url += '-torrent.gz'
-            if all:
-                piece_url = convert_all(piece_url)
-            piece_file = urlopen(piece_url)
-            piece_data = piece_file.read()
-            try:
-                piece_file.close()
-            except:
-                pass
-            f = piece_data.split('\n')
-        except:
-            logger.exception('torrent ordering URL not working: '+piece_url)
-            return (pieces, headers)
-    else:
-        logger.warning('unable to find torrent ordering data')
+    try:
+        if torrent_file.endswith('.gz'):
+            f = gzip.open(torrent_file)
+        else:
+            f = open(torrent_file)
+    except:
+        logger.exception('torrent ordering file not found: '+torrent_file)
         return (pieces, headers)
     tor = Torrent(f)
@@ -641,7 +558,7 @@
         a separate torrent (optional, defaults to True)
     @type pieces_file: C{string}
     @param pieces_file: the file that contains the piece information
-        (optional, defaults to retrieving the info from the web)
+        (optional, defaults to not using sub pieces)
     @type torrent_file: C{string}
     @param torrent_file: the file that contains the piece ordering information
         (optional, defaults to retrieving the info from the web)
@@ -655,15 +572,19 @@
-    sub_pieces = getsubpieces(file, pieces_file)
+    sub_pieces = {}
+    if pieces_file:
+        sub_pieces = getsubpieces(pieces_file)
     piece_ordering_all = {}
     ordering_all_headers = {}
     piece_ordering = {}
     ordering_headers = {}
     if separate_all:
-        (piece_ordering, ordering_headers) = getordering(file, torrent_file)
-        (piece_ordering_all, ordering_all_headers) = getordering(file, torrent_all_file, True)
+        if torrent_file:
+            (piece_ordering, ordering_headers) = getordering(torrent_file)
+        if torrent_all_file:
+            (piece_ordering_all, ordering_all_headers) = getordering(torrent_all_file)
     file = abspath(file)
     if file.endswith('.gz'):
@@ -749,7 +670,7 @@
-    def __init__(self, path, filename, callback, sched, config):
+    def __init__(self, path, filename, callback, sched, cache, config):
         """Process a downloaded Packages file and start the torrent making thread.
         @type path: C{list} of C{string}
@@ -760,6 +681,8 @@
         @param callback: the method to call with the torrent when it has been created
         @type sched: C{method}
         @param sched: the method to call to schedule future invocation of a function
+        @type cache: L{DebTorrent.HTTPCache.HTTPCache}
+        @param cache: the cache of downloaded files
         @type config: C{dictionary}
         @param config: the configuration parameters
@@ -769,11 +692,91 @@
         self.filename = filename
         self.callback = callback
         self.sched = sched
+        self.cache = cache
         self.config = config
         self.name = '_'.join(self.path[:-1])
         self.responses = []
-        # Create and start the thread to create the torrent metainfo
+        self.download = []
+        self.subpieces_url = None
+        self.subpieces_file = None
+        self.torrent_url = None
+        self.torrent_all_url = None
+        self.torrent_file = None
+        self.torrent_all_file = None
+        if 'dists' in self.path:
+            parts = self.path[:]
+            try:
+                parts[parts.index('stable', parts.index('dists'))] = 'etch'
+            except:
+                pass
+            try:
+                parts[parts.index('testing', parts.index('dists'))] = 'lenny'
+            except:
+                pass
+            try:
+                parts[parts.index('unstable', parts.index('dists'))] = 'sid'
+            except:
+                pass
+            url = 'dists_'
+            url += '_'.join(parts[parts.index('dists')+1:])
+            if url.endswith('.gz'):
+                url = url[:-3]
+            if url.endswith('.bz2'):
+                url = url[:-4]
+            self.subpieces_url = 'merkel.debian.org/~ajt/extrapieces/' + url + '-extrapieces.gz'
+            self.download.append('subpieces')
+            if self.config['separate_all']:
+                self.torrent_url = 'debian.camrdale.org/debtorrent/' + url + '-torrent.gz'
+                self.download.append('torrent')
+                if self.config['separate_all'] in [1, 3]:
+                    self.torrent_all_url = convert_all(self.torrent_url)
+                    self.download.append('torrent_all')
+        for down in self.download[:]:
+            down_path = getattr(self, down + '_url').split('/')
+            r, filename = self.cache.cache_get(down_path, True)
+            if filename:
+                setattr(self, down + '_file', filename)
+                self.download.remove(down)
+            else:
+                self.cache.download_get(down_path, self._download_callback)
+        if not self.download:
+            self._start()
+    def _download_callback(self, path, r, filename):
+        """Save the newly downloaded file's name and move on to creation if downloading is complete.
+        @type path: C{list} of C{string}
+        @param path: the path of the file to download, starting with the mirror name
+        @type r: (C{int}, C{string}, C{dictionary}, C{string})
+        @param r: the HTTP status code, status message, headers, and cached data
+        @type filename: C{string}
+        @param filename: the file containing the successfully downloaded file
+        """
+        found = False
+        for down in self.download:
+            if getattr(self, down + '_url') == '/'.join(path):
+                if filename:
+                    setattr(self, down + '_file', filename)
+                else:
+                    logger.warning('Failed to download file: %s', '/'.join(path))
+                found = True
+                self.download.remove(down)
+                break
+        if not found:
+            logger.warning('Got response for unrequested download: %s', '/'.join(path))
+        if not self.download:
+            self._start()
+    def _start(self):
+        """Create and start the thread to create the torrent metainfo."""
         logger.debug('starting thread to create torrent for: '+self.name)
         rq = Thread(target = self._create, name = 'TorrentCreator('+self.name+')')
@@ -797,16 +800,18 @@
         logger.debug('Packages file successfully opened')
-            sub_pieces = getsubpieces('_'.join(self.path))
+            sub_pieces = {}
+            if self.subpieces_file:
+                sub_pieces = getsubpieces(self.subpieces_file)
             piece_ordering_all = {}
             ordering_all_headers = {}
             piece_ordering = {}
             ordering_headers = {}
-            if self.config['separate_all']:
-                (piece_ordering, ordering_headers) = getordering('_'.join(self.path))
-                if self.config['separate_all'] in [1, 3]:
-                    (piece_ordering_all, ordering_all_headers) = getordering('_'.join(self.path), all = True)
+            if self.torrent_file:
+                (piece_ordering, ordering_headers) = getordering(self.torrent_file)
+            if self.torrent_all_file:
+                (piece_ordering_all, ordering_all_headers) = getordering(self.torrent_all_file)
             (info, info_all) = getpieces(f, separate_all = self.config['separate_all'],
                                          sub_pieces = sub_pieces,

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