[Debtorrent-devel] New BitTornado Features

Cameron Dale camrdale at gmail.com
Tue May 1 00:38:50 UTC 2007

Hi TheShadow,

I've been accepted to the Google Summer of Code to produce a
BitTorrent-like application to download files for distributing linux
packages. As I am familiar with BitTornado, and it has a good license,
I have chosen it as a starting point for my work.

You can find out more about the project here:


and some implementation/protocol details are here:


There are, however, some features in other bittorrent clients that are
not present in BitTornado, and which may be desirable to the project.
I was hoping you have some ideas/plans for implementing them in the
future, but if not I would be willing to work with you on getting some
of them added to BitTornado. I suspect you're too busy though, in
which case I may end up implementing them myself (and of course
sharing the details with you), but I'd still appreciate your feedback
on whether it's possible or a good idea or not.

Here are the top 3 features I was thinking of:

DHT for distributed tracker

I was thinking something like Azureus has, since then the source code
can be read without violating the license. I read your recent post
about some problems with this, though they won't affect this project
since running a torrent for too long is not really possible in this
case. :)

UPNP for linux

I believe the implementation of UPnP is windows based, and not
functional in Linux. Have you ever tried adding a linux-functional

Running multiple downloads on a single port

This would be purely for convenience of the configuration of
firewalls/NATs, as only a single port would need to be redirected. It
might also be the easiest to implement of the 3, though I'm sure there
will be some surprises.

Any feedback you can give me on these is greatly appreciated. Thanks,

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