Using Debtorrent in frequently updated system

Voker57 voker57 at
Sat Jan 19 19:08:48 UTC 2008

On Saturday 19 January 2008 21:58:08 Cameron Dale wrote:
> Currently, no. To be clear, here's an example:
> Peer A and peer B are both in the same torrent (probably because they
> both updated around the same time). Peer A is sharing version 1 of
> package foo, while peer B has version 1 of package bar.
> Then package bar gets updated to version 2, which peer B sees and does
> an apt-get update. This moves peer B into a new torrent. If B then
> tries to download package foo, it will not be possible to contact peer
> A, since A is not in the same torrent as B any more. This occurs even
> though A and B both have/want the same version of package foo.
> Obviously this is not ideal, and is exactly what the unique piece
> numbers is designed to fix.
> Using unique piece numbers, peer B would still be in the same torrent
> as A after the update, except B's torrent would have an extra file at
> the end (version 2 of package bar), and wouldn't have the old version
> 1 of package bar (the space is still 'reserved' in the torrent though,
> but B will never try and download it). A's torrent would not have the
> new version of package bar at the end, but since A will never try to
> download that version, it won't be a problem. However, the same
> version of package foo will be in both torrents, and so A will be able
> to share it with B when B requests to download it.
> > BTW, am I using the mailing list in correct way? I haven't ever used a
> > mailing list before.
> You're doing fine. If you hadn't said anything I wouldn't even have
> guessed you were new to it. :)
> Cameron

Ok, thanks for nice and clear explanation :). This, pitifully, renders 
debtorrent nearly useless on my distro. Hope unique pieces will get 
implemented soon.


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