[Dehs-devel] Watch files status on the PTS and therefore in DEHS

Bluefuture bluefuture at email.it
Fri Sep 22 17:02:17 UTC 2006

Il giorno ven, 22/09/2006 alle 12.22 +0200, Aurélien GÉRÔME ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Some days ago, I started to wonder why I took time to create/update
> watch files for my packages [1], since the PTS does not show anything
> about them... Several have watch files, but nothing appears on the PTS.
> Raphaël Hertzog told me that the support is broken in DEHS. I wanted
> to know the status of the DEHS developers on that matter.
> Cheers,

If there is any alioth problem dehs run and output is avaliable for
third applications in various format:



http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/dehs_qa_experimental.db (versus debian
http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/dehs_qa_experimental.db (versus debian

or separated by watch status type:


In the beginning i have submitted the patch that catch this data from
dehs on alioth and integrate in PTS but i don't contribute anymore on
the PTS code. There was no change in the url or output format of dehs
data so i doesn't know where is the problem. 
Have u tried to check your dehs status here[1]? Note that this page put
out only your packages that have version not in-sync with upstream or
package that has some watch related error.


For any other question/evoluion of this issue you can ask on this list.


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