[Dehs-devel] a note on packaging Armadillo 0.9.50+

Conrad Sanderson conradsand at ieee.org
Fri Jul 9 05:11:49 UTC 2010


Before you turn Armadillo 0.9.50 into a Debian package, two notes:

Please wait until version 0.9.52, which will be released next week.
A user has identified a bug (involving saving of complex cubes) which
will be fixed in the new release.

Armadillo 0.9.50 and upwards come with pre-compiled LAPACK and BLAS
libraries for Windows, stored in the "examples/libs_win32" folder.
You may want to omit this folder in the Debian package.  Please have a
look at the included rpm spec for more info.

With regards,

Dr Conrad Sanderson - Sr Research Scientist, NICTA - http://arma.sf.net/cs

On 9 July 2010 14:50, Debian External Health System
<dehs-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> The Debian External Health Status system (a.k.a. DEHS) has found a new
>  upstream version of the package armadillo in the unstable distribution.
> The current package version is 0.9.8-1 and latest by upstream is 0.9.50.
> If you are the maintainer or a co-maintainer of the package
>  please consider updating the package.
> The source code of version 0.9.50 by upstream can be found at:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/arma/files/armadillo-0.9.50.tar.gz/download
> For more information please refer to the DEHS report of armadillo at:
> http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/report.php?package=armadillo
> If you believe this message can be improved in any way don't hesitate
>  to contact me by replying to this message.
> Note that the latest version by upstream is found thanks to the debian/watch
>  file provided by the package, in case this message is a false positive please
>  review the watch file before reporting.

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