[Demi-devel] Concept code up

Guido Trotter ultrotter@debian.org
Mon, 16 Feb 2004 09:58:18 +0100

On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:29:16AM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:


> I've just uploaded some concept code to the files area of the Demi project
> on Alioth. The release notes didn't format as nicely as I'd have liked, but
> feel free to have a look at the very beginnings of where I'd like to take
> Demi...

Great! :)

One thing I'd like to have (and am prepared to code) is a simple host
registration protocol... Instead of manually adding new hosts from the
main interface (a thing that you can always do, if necessary) when you
install the demi-client package it asks you (through debconf) for the
demi server and its registration password, and then it connects to it 
(via https? ssh with a "demi-reg" user? ldap? any of these protocols, 
depending on the local requirements?) (I'd like the latter, of course) 
and creates an entry for itself in the host database.

This way an host can be added directly when installing it... Also it is
possible to create highly personalized installation cds which preseed the
values to debconf, so after a new installation the demi-server is already
configured to check for the new host. What do you think of it?

As for the host database I've read that you want to be compatible with
multiple solutions... Certainly it will be useful to support both mysql 
and postgresql... Would you mind also supporting maintaining the host 
information into an LDAP directory? 

Bye, and thanks,
