[Demudi-commits] r85 - / demudi-trac demudi-trac/trunk demudi-trac/trunk/attachments demudi-trac/trunk/attachments/wiki demudi-trac/trunk/bin demudi-trac/trunk/conf demudi-trac/trunk/debian demudi-trac/trunk/log demudi-trac/trunk/pics demudi-trac/trunk/templates demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac demudi-trac/trunk/wiki-macros

Free Ekanayaka free-guest@haydn.debian.org
Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:01:20 -0700

Author: free-guest
Date: 2004-11-01 11:01:08 -0700 (Mon, 01 Nov 2004)
New Revision: 85

[svn-inject] Installing original source of demudi-trac

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/README
--- demudi-trac/trunk/README	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/README	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains a Trac project.
+Visit http://trac.edgewall.com/ for more information.

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/VERSION
--- demudi-trac/trunk/VERSION	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/VERSION	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Trac Environment Version 1

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/bin/update-demudi-trac
--- demudi-trac/trunk/bin/update-demudi-trac	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/bin/update-demudi-trac	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import apt_pkg
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import string
+cache    = apt_pkg.GetCache()
+records  = apt_pkg.GetPkgRecords(cache)
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+      trac = sys.argv[1]
+      trac = "/var/www/demudi-trac"
+workdir = "/tmp"
+tags = re.findall(r'Tag: ([a-z:]*)', (file( '/etc/debtags/tagvoc.d/demudi', 'r')).read())
+packages = {}
+for tag in tags:
+      packages[tag]= []
+for line in (file( '/etc/debtags/tagpatch.d/demudi', 'r')).readlines():
+      package, tag = (re.match('^([^:]+):[ \t]*\+([a-z:]+)', line)).groups()
+      if tag not in tags:
+           print 'Invalid tag "%s" for package "%s"' % (tag,package)
+           sys.exit(1)
+      packages[tag].append(package)
+for tag in tags:
+      packages[tag].sort()
+wiki = "DocumentsSoftware"
+out  = file("%s/%s" % (workdir, wiki), 'w+')
+print >> out, '= DeMuDi software sections ='
+print >> out, ''
+for tag in tags:
+    indentation = ""
+    link = ""
+    sections = string.split(tag,"::")
+    del sections[0]
+    for section in sections:
+         indentation += "  "
+    for section in sections:
+        link += section.capitalize()
+    print >> out, '%s* [wiki:%s%s %s]' % (indentation, wiki, link, (sections.pop()).capitalize())
+os.popen4('trac-admin %s wiki import %s %s' % (trac, wiki, "%s/%s" % (workdir, wiki)))
+for tag in tags:
+      wiki = ""
+      sections = string.split(tag,"::")
+      del sections[0]
+      for section in sections:
+            wiki += section.capitalize()
+      out = file("%s/%s" % (workdir,wiki), 'w+')
+      print >> out, "{{{"
+      print >> out, "#!html"
+      print >> out, ''
+      print >> out, '<h1><a name="top">Packages in the %s section</a></h1>' % (section)
+#      print >> out, '<br>%s<br>' % ("bla")
+      print >> out, ' <br><table border="1">'
+      for package in packages[tag]:
+            item = cache[package]
+            IGNORE_DPKG_STATUS = 1
+            pack_vers = item.VersionList[0]
+            pack_file, index = pack_vers.FileList[0]
+            records.Lookup((pack_file,index))
+            if pack_file.IndexType != 'Debian Package Index' and IGNORE_DPKG_STATUS == 1:
+                  continue
+            print >> out, '  <tr><th><a href="#%s">%s</a><td>%s<td>%s' % (package, package, pack_vers.VerStr, records.ShortDesc)
+      print >> out, " </table><br>"
+      print >> out, "}}}"
+      for package in packages[tag]:           
+            item = cache[package]
+            IGNORE_DPKG_STATUS = 1
+            pack_vers = item.VersionList[0]
+            pack_file, index = pack_vers.FileList[0]
+            records.Lookup((pack_file,index))
+            if pack_file.IndexType != 'Debian Package Index' and IGNORE_DPKG_STATUS == 1:
+                  continue
+            print >> out, "{{{"
+            print >> out, "#!html"
+            print >> out, '<h2><a name=%s>%s</a></h2>' % (package, package)
+            print >> out, "}}}"
+            print >> out, ""
+            print >> out, "'''Version''':    ", pack_vers.VerStr, "[[BR]]"
+            print >> out, "'''Description:'''", records.ShortDesc
+            print >> out, "{{{"
+            print >> out, records.LongDesc[len(records.ShortDesc):]
+            print >> out, "}}}"
+            print >> out, ""
+            print >> out, "{{{"
+            print >> out, "#!html"
+            print >> out, "<a href=\"#top\">Top</a>"
+            print >> out, "}}}"
+            print >> out, "[[BR]]"
+      out.close()
+      os.popen4('trac-admin %s wiki import DocumentsSoftware%s %s' % (trac, wiki, "%s/%s" % (workdir,wiki)))

Property changes on: demudi-trac/trunk/bin/update-demudi-trac
Name: svn:executable

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/conf/trac.ini
--- demudi-trac/trunk/conf/trac.ini	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/conf/trac.ini	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+enscript_path = enscript
+default_priority = normal
+default_severity = normal
+default_milestone = 
+default_version = 
+default_component = component1
+smtp_enabled = false
+smtp_server = localhost
+smtp_always_cc = 
+smtp_replyto = trac@localhost
+smtp_from = trac@localhost
+database = sqlite:db/trac.db
+htdocs_location = /trac
+repository_dir = /svn/demudi
+templates_dir = /usr/share/trac/templates
+max_size = 262144
+log_type = none
+log_level = DEBUG
+log_file = trac.log
+footer =  Visit the Trac open source project at<br /><a href="http://trac.edgewall.com/">http://trac.edgewall.com/</a>
+descr = "Debian Multimedia Distribution"
+name = DeMuDi
+url =  http://debian-br-cdd.alioth.debian.org/
+src = /pics/demudi_banner.png
+alt = 
+link = http://demudi.alioth.debian.org

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/README.Debian
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+demudi-trac for Debian
+Please add the following lines to you httpd.conf file:
+Alias /trac/ "/usr/share/trac/htdocs/"
+#You have to allow people to read the files in htdocs
+<Directory "/usr/share/trac/htdocs/">
+        Options Indexes MultiViews
+        AllowOverride None
+        Order allow,deny
+        Allow from all
+Alias /pics/ "/var/www/demudi-trac/pics/"
+#You have to allow people to read the files in htdocs
+<Directory "/var/www/demudi-trac/pics/">
+        Options Indexes MultiViews
+        AllowOverride None
+        Order allow,deny
+        Allow from all
+# Trac need to know where the database is located
+<Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi">
+        SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/var/www/demudi-trac"
+# You need this to allow users to authenticate
+# trac.htpasswd can be created with
+# cmd 'htpasswd -c trac.htpasswd' (UNIX)
+# do 'man htpasswd' to see all the options
+<Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/login">
+        AuthType Basic
+        AuthName "trac"
+        AuthUserFile /var/www/demudi-trac/trac.htpasswd
+        Require valid-user
+ -- free <free@free>, Sun Oct 24 12:31:17 2004

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/changelog
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/changelog	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/changelog	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+demudi-trac (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * first version of the package
+  * added history link to the documents section
+  * automatized creation of software description pages
+  * merged software-sections and software-descriptions in gen-sw-descs
+  * added a table with versions and short descriptions
+  * added named top and back reference link
+  * using h2 for package names
+  * remove start page link from the wiki header, we have already home
+  * new section Develop
+  * renamed section Docs to Documents
+  * added postinst and prerm scripts to set right permission for the db
+  * added Hystory link in Docs
+ -- Free Ekanayaka <free@agnula.org>  Mon,  1 Nov 2004 12:33:45 +0100

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/compat
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/compat	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/compat	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/control
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/control	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/control	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Source: demudi-trac
+Section: misc
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Free Ekanayaka <free@agnula.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), python
+Standards-Version: 3.6.1
+Package: demudi-trac
+Architecture: all
+Depends: trac, demudi-debtags
+Description: DeMuDi web site
+ This files contains the configuration files and data
+ for the Trac based web site of the DeMuDi project.

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/copyright
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/copyright	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/copyright	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Copyright 2004 Free Ekanayaka <free@agnula.org>
+Copyright 2004 Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia
+This set of tools is licensed under the General Public License
+version 2 or any later version. You can find it in 
+/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL on a Debian GNU system.

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/dirs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/dirs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/dirs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/install
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/install	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/install	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+attachments	var/www/demudi-trac
+conf		var/www/demudi-trac
+db		var/www/demudi-trac
+log		var/www/demudi-trac
+pics		var/www/demudi-trac
+README		var/www/demudi-trac
+templates	var/www/demudi-trac
+trac.htpasswd	var/www/demudi-trac
+VERSION		var/www/demudi-trac
+wiki-macros	var/www/demudi-trac
+bin/update-demudi-trac	usr/bin

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/postinst
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/postinst	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/postinst	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dpkg-statoverride --update --add www-data www-data 775 /var/www/demudi-trac/db
+dpkg-statoverride --update --add www-data www-data 664 /var/www/demudi-trac/db/trac.db

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/prerm
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/prerm	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/prerm	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dpkg-statoverride --remove /var/www/demudi-trac/db
+dpkg-statoverride --remove /var/www/demudi-trac/db/trac.db

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/rules
--- demudi-trac/trunk/debian/rules	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/debian/rules	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean 
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k 
+	dh_installdirs
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary: install
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_installchangelogs 
+	dh_installdocs
+	dh_installexamples
+	dh_install
+	dh_installman
+	dh_link
+	dh_strip
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_shlibdeps
+	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+.PHONY: binary install clean

Property changes on: demudi-trac/trunk/debian/rules
Name: svn:executable

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/log/trac.log

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/pics/agnula_banner.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: demudi-trac/trunk/pics/agnula_banner.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/pics/demudi_banner.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: demudi-trac/trunk/pics/demudi_banner.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/README
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/README	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/README	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This directory contains project-specific custom templates and style sheet.

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/header.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/header.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/header.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+        "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-20000126/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+ <head>
+  <?cs if:project.name ?>
+   <title><?cs var:project.name?><?cs if:title ?>: <?cs var:title ?><?cs
+   /if ?> - Trac</title>
+  <?cs else ?>
+   <title>Trac: <?cs var:title ?></title>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <style type="text/css">
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/trac.css");
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/code.css");
+   <?cs if:trac.active_module == 'browser' || trac.active_module == 'log' || trac.active_module == 'file'?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/browser.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'timeline' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/timeline.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'changeset' || trac.active_module == 'wiki' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/changeset.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'newticket' || trac.active_module == 'ticket' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/ticket.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'report' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/report.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'search' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/search.css");
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs include "site_css.cs" ?>
+  </style>
+  <script src="<?cs var:$htdocs_location ?>trac.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ </head>
+<?cs include "site_header.cs" ?>
+<div id="trac-main">
+<div id="header">
+  <a id="logo" href="<?cs var:header_logo.link ?>"><img src="<?cs var:header_logo.src ?>"
+      width="<?cs var:header_logo.width ?>" height="<?cs var:header_logo.height ?>"
+      alt="<?cs var:header_logo.alt ?>" /></a>
+  <hr />
+<form id="search" action="<?cs var:trac.href.search ?>" method="get">
+ <div id="search-div">
+  <label for="proj-search">Search:</label>
+  <input type="text" id="proj-search" name="q" size="10" value="" />
+  <input type="submit" value="Search" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="wiki" value="on" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="changeset" value="on" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="on" />
+ </div>
+<?cs def:navlink(text, href, id, aclname, accesskey) ?><?cs
+   if $error.type || $aclname ?><li><a href="<?cs var:href ?>" <?cs 
+        if $id == $trac.active_module ?>class="active"<?cs /if ?><?cs
+        if:$accesskey!="" ?> accesskey="<?cs var:$accesskey ?>"<?cs 
+        /if ?>><?cs var:text ?></a></li><?cs 
+   /if ?><?cs /def ?>
+  <?cs if $trac.active_module == "wiki" ?>
+    <?cs set:$wiki_view="wiki" ?>
+  <?cs else  ?>
+    <?cs set:$wiki_view="attachment" ?>
+  <?cs /if  ?>
+  <?cs if $trac.active_module == "ticket" ?>
+    <?cs set:$ticket_view="ticket" ?>
+  <?cs else  ?>
+    <?cs set:$ticket_view="report" ?>
+  <?cs /if  ?>
+  <?cs if $trac.active_module == "log" ?>
+    <?cs set:$browser_view="log" ?>
+  <?cs elif $trac.active_module == "file" ?>
+    <?cs set:$browser_view="file" ?>
+  <?cs else  ?>
+    <?cs set:$browser_view="browser" ?>
+  <?cs /if  ?>
+<div id="navbar" class="nav">
+ <ul>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Home", $trac.href.wiki, $wiki_view,
+                    $trac.acl.WIKI_VIEW, "1") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Timeline", $trac.href.timeline, "timeline",
+                    $trac.acl.TIMELINE_VIEW, "2") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Browse Source", $trac.href.browser, $browser_view,
+                    $trac.acl.BROWSER_VIEW, "") ?>
+  <li style="display: none"><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.newticket ?>"
+                    accesskey="7">New Ticket (Accessibility)</a></li>
+  <?cs call:navlink("View Tickets", $trac.href.report, $ticket_view,
+                    $trac.acl.REPORT_VIEW, "") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("New Ticket", $trac.href.newticket, "newticket",
+                    $trac.acl.TICKET_CREATE, "9") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Search", $trac.href.search, "search",
+                    $trac.acl.SEARCH_VIEW, "4") ?>
+ </ul>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_css.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_css.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_css.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/*                                                  -*- mode:outline -*- */ 
+/* Debian Multimedia stylesheet                                          */
+/*                                                                       */
+/** General */
+	color: #456;
+	font-size: 1.4em;
+	background: #eee;
+	padding: 2px 2px 2px 10px;
+/*	border: 1px dotted black;*/
+	margin: 0px;
+	margin-top: 2px;
+	color: #456;
+	margin-top: 25px;
+	font-style: italic;
+	font-size: 1.2em;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #456;
+	margin-left: 10px;
+	margin-right: 10px;
+	font-size: 12px;
+/*	padding: 4px;*/
+	border: 1px solid black;
+	display: block;
+	background: #eed;
+	margin: 0;
+	text-align: center;
+body {
+  background: #fff;
+  color: #000;
+  margin: 10px;
+  font: normal 12px Sans-Serif;
+/** Link styles */
+:link, :visited             {color: #900; text-decoration: none;   border-bottom: none;}
+:link:hover, :visited:hover {color: #900; text-decoration: underline; background: #eee; }
+/** Navigation */
+#navbar {
+  background: #eeeed7;
+/*  background: #f7f7f7 url(../topbar_gradient.png) top left;*/
+  border: 1px solid #999;
+  font: normal 10px verdana,'Bitstream Vera Sans',helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
+  height: 1.5em;
+  margin: 0px;
+#navbar li { float: left }
+#navbar :link, #navbar :visited {
+  background: url(../dots.gif) top left no-repeat;
+/*  border-bottom: none;*/
+  border-left: 1px solid #999;
+  border-right: 1px solid #fff;
+  color: #c55;
+  display: block;
+  float: left;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  line-height: 1.4em;
+  margin: 0px;
+  padding: .1em 15px; 
+/*padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px;*/
+  text-decoration: none;
+#navbar .active:link, #navbar .active:visited {
+  background: #d1d1d1 url(../topbar_active.png) top left repeat-x;
+  border-top: none;
+  border-right: none !important;
+  font-weight: bold;
+#navbar :link:hover, #navbar :visited:hover {
+/*background-color: #d7d7d7;*/
+  background: #c55;
+  border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
+  color: #fff;
+  margin: 0px;
+/** Sections */
+	width: 120px;
+	float: left;
+	clear: left;
+	margin: 0;
+	/*margin-top: 10px;
+	margin-left: 10px;*/
+	background: #665;
+	color: #fff;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	padding: 1px 1px 1px 4px;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #222;
+	border-left: 1px solid #555;
+	border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
+	border-top: 1px solid #888;
+	margin: 2px 0 0 0;
+	float: left;
+	width: 90px;
+	background: #eed;
+	float: left;
+	padding: 1px 1px 1px 4px;
+	border-bottom: 1px solid #222;
+	border-left: 1px solid #555;
+	border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
+	width: 90px;
+	margin: 0 0 2px 0;
+.section-links ul
+	margin: 0 0 0 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	list-style-type: none;
+.section-links li {
+	list-style-type: none;
+.section-links a
+	color: #456;
+	display: block;
+	padding: 0px 0 0 10px;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	margin: 1px 2px 0px 0;
+	border: 1px solid #eed;
+.section-links a:hover
+	background: #456 url(/img/arrow.gif) no-repeat center right;
+	color: #fff;
+/*	border: 1px solid black;*/
+/* Body */
+/*	line-height: 140%;*/
+	margin-top: 0px;
+	margin-left: 120px;
+	width: 720px;
+	float: center;
+/*	clear: center;*/
+	margin: 0px;
+	height: 118px;
+	width:346px;
+#search {
+      position: absolute;
+top: 60px;
+right: 10px;  

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_footer.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_footer.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_footer.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Site footer - Contents are automatically inserted after main Trac HTML

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_header.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_header.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/site_header.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Site header - Contents are automatically inserted above Trac HTML
+<a id="agnula" href="http://www.agnula.org">
+	<img src="/pics/agnula_banner.png" width="266" height="23" align="right">

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/README
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/README	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/README	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This directory contains Trac's default clearsilver templates.
+Local modifications to these files might be lost during the installation of 
+a new Trac version. This can be avoided by making a copy of this entire
+directory before beginning modifications.

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/attachment.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/attachment.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/attachment.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs" ?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<h3>Add Attachment to 
+<a href="<?cs var:file.attachment_parent_href?>"><?cs var:file.attachment_parent?></a></h3>
+<div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+  <fieldset>
+  <form action="<?cs var:cgi_location ?>" method="post" 
+        enctype="multipart/form-data">
+   <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="attachment" />
+   <input type="hidden" name="type" value="<?cs var:attachment.type ?>" />
+   <input type="hidden" name="id"   value="<?cs var:attachment.id ?>" />
+  <div style="align: right">
+   <label for="author" class="att-label">Author:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="author" name="author" class="textwidget" size="40"
+       value="<?cs var:trac.authname?>" />
+   <br />
+   <label for="description" class="att-label">Description:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="description" name="description" class="textwidget"
+       size="40" />
+   <br />
+   <label for="file" class="att-label">File:</label>
+   <input type="file" id="file" name="attachment" />
+   <br />
+   <br />
+   <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
+   <input type="submit" value="Add" />
+  </div>
+  </form>
+  </fieldset>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/browser.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/browser.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/browser.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?cs include: "header.cs"?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs"?>
+<div id="page-content">
+ <ul class="subheader-links">
+   <li class="last">&nbsp;</li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+   <h1 id="browser-rev" class="hide">Browsing Revision <?cs var:browser.revision?></h1>
+   <div id="browser-body">
+    <?cs call:browser_path_links(browser.path, browser) ?>
+    <div id="browser-nav">
+    <form id="browser-chgrev" action="<?cs var:browser_current_href ?>" method="get">
+      <label for="rev">View rev:</label>
+      <input type="text" id="rev" name="rev" value="<?cs
+        var:browser.revision?>" size="4" />
+      <input type="submit" value="View" />
+    </form>
+    <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+    </div>
+    <table id="browser-list" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+      <tr class="browser-listhdr">
+        <th>&nbsp;</th>
+<?cs if browser.sort_order == "name" ?>
+        <th><a title="Sort by Name (Descending)" href="<?cs var:browser.current_href?>?order=Name">Name</a></th>
+<?cs else ?>
+        <th><a title="Sort by Name" href="<?cs var:browser.current_href?>?order=name">Name</a></th>
+<?cs /if ?>
+<?cs if browser.sort_order == "size" ?>
+        <th><a title="Sort by size (Descending)" href="<?cs var:browser.current_href?>?order=Size">Size</a></th>
+<?cs else ?>
+        <th><a title="Sort by size" href="<?cs var:browser.current_href?>?order=size">Size</a></th>
+<?cs /if ?>
+        <th>Rev</th>
+<?cs if browser.sort_order == "date" ?>
+        <th><a title="Sort by Age" href="<?cs var:browser.current_href?>?order=Date">Age</a></th>
+<?cs else ?>
+        <th><a title="Sort by Age (Descending)" href="<?cs var:browser.current_href?>?order=date">Age</a></th>
+<?cs /if ?>
+      </tr>
+      <?cs if $browser.path != "/" ?>
+        <tr class="br-row-even">
+          <td class="br-icon-col">
+            <a title="Parent Directory" class="block-link" href="<?cs var:browser.parent_href ?>">
+              <img src="<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>parent.png" 
+                    width="16" height="16" alt="[parent]" />
+            </a>
+          </td>
+          <td class="br-name-col">
+            <a title="Parent Directory" class="block-link"  href="<?cs var:browser.parent_href ?>">..</a>
+          </td>
+          <td class="br-size-col">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="br-rev-col">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="br-age-col">&nbsp;</td>
+        </tr>
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      <?cs set:idx = #0 ?>
+      <?cs each:item = browser.items ?>
+        <?cs if idx % #2 ?>
+          <tr class="even">
+        <?cs else ?>
+          <tr class="odd">
+        <?cs /if ?>
+        <?cs if item.is_dir == #1 ?>
+          <td class="br-icon-col">
+            <a title="Browse Directory" class="block-link"  href="<?cs var:item.browser_href ?>">
+              <img src="<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>folder.png"
+                    width="16" height="16" alt="[dir]" />
+            </a>
+          </td>
+          <td class="br-name-col">
+            <a title="Browse Directory" class="block-link"  href="<?cs var:item.browser_href ?>"><?cs var:item.name ?></a>
+          </td>
+        <?cs else ?>
+          <td class="br-icon-col">
+            <a title="View File" class="block-link"  href="<?cs var:item.browser_href ?>">
+              <img src="<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>file.png"
+                    width="16" height="16" alt="[file]" />
+            </a>
+          </td>
+          <td class="br-name-col">
+            <a title="View File" class="block-link"  href="<?cs var:item.browser_href ?>"><?cs var:item.name ?></a>
+          </td>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+         <td class="br-size-col">
+           <?cs if item.size != #0 ?><?cs var:item.size ?><?cs /if ?>
+         </td>
+         <td class="br-rev-col">
+           <a title="View Revision Log" class="block-link-nobold" 
+              href="<?cs var:item.log_href ?>"><?cs var:item.created_rev ?></a>
+         </td>
+         <td class="br-age-col">
+          <a class="age" title="<?cs var:item.date ?>"><?cs var:item.age ?></a>
+         </td>
+       </tr>
+       <?cs set:idx = idx + #1 ?>
+     <?cs /each ?>
+   </table>
+<div id="help">
+<strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki
+?>/TracBrowser">TracBrowser</a> for help on using the browser.
+  </div>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/changeset.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/changeset.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/changeset.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs"?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs"?>
+<div id="page-content">
+ <ul class="subheader-links">
+   <li class="last"><a href="?format=diff">Download Diff</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="main" class="changeset">
+  <div id="main-content">
+<h1 id="chg-hdr">Change set <?cs var:changeset.revision ?></h1>
+<table id="overview" summary="Changeset overview">
+ <tr class="time">
+  <th scope="row">Timestamp:</th>
+  <td><?cs var:changeset.time ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="author">
+  <th scope="row">Author:</th>
+  <td><?cs var:changeset.author ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="files">
+  <th scope="row">Files:</th>
+  <td>
+   <ul><?cs each:item = changeset.changes ?>
+    <li>
+     <?cs if:item.change == "A" ?>
+      <span class="chg-file-add"> </span>
+      <a href="<?cs var:item.browser_href?>" title="Show file in browser"><?cs
+        var:item.name ?></a> <span class="comment">(added)</span>
+     <?cs elif:item.change == "M" ?>
+      <span class="chg-file-mod"> </span>
+      <a href="<?cs var:item.browser_href?>" title="Show file in browser"><?cs
+        var:item.name ?></a> <span class="comment">(modified)</span>
+     <?cs elif:item.change == "D" ?>
+      <span class="chg-file-rem"> </span>
+      <?cs var:item.name ?> <span class="comment">(deleted)</span>
+     <?cs /if ?>
+    </li>
+   <?cs /each ?></ul>
+  </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="message">
+  <th scope="row">Message:</th>
+  <td id="searchable"><?cs var:changeset.message ?></td>
+ </tr>
+<div class="hide">
+  <hr class="hide" />
+  <h2>-=&gt; Note: Diff viewing requires CSS2 &lt;=-</h2>
+  <p>
+    Output below might not be useful.
+  </p>
+  <hr class="hide" />
+<div id="chg-legend">
+  <h3>Legend:</h3>
+  <ul>
+    <li><span class="diff-legend-unmod"> </span>Unmodified</li>
+    <li><span class="diff-legend-add"> </span>Added</li>
+    <li><span class="diff-legend-rem"> </span>Removed</li>
+    <li><span class="diff-legend-mod"> </span>Modified</li>
+   </ul>
+<div id="chg-diff">
+  <?cs each:file = changeset.diff.files ?>
+    <div class="chg-diff-file">
+      <h3 class="chg-diff-hdr"><?cs var:file.name.new ?></h3>
+      <table class="diff-table" cellspacing="0">
+        <?cs each:change = file.changes ?>
+          <tr><td class="diff-line">line <?cs var:change.line.old ?></td>
+          <td class="diff-line">line <?cs var:change.line.new ?></td></tr>
+          <?cs call:diff_display(change) ?>
+        <?cs /each ?>
+      </table>
+    </div>
+  <?cs /each ?>
+ <div id="main-footer">
+  Download in other formats: <br />
+  <a href="?format=diff">Unified Diff</a>
+  <br />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/error.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/error.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/error.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs"?>
+<?cs if error.type == "TracError" ?>
+<h3><?cs var:error.title ?></h3>
+<div class="error">
+<?cs var:error.message ?>
+<?cs elif error.type == "internal" ?>
+<div class="error">
+Trac detected an internal error:
+<?cs var:error.message ?>
+If you think this really should work and you can reproduce it. Then you 
+should consider to report this problem to the Trac team.
+Go to
+<a href="<?cs var:trac.href.homepage ?>"><?cs var:trac.href.homepage ?></a> 
+and create a new ticket where you describe
+the problem, how to reproduce it and don't forget to include the python
+traceback found below.
+<?cs elif error.type == "permission" ?>
+<h3>Permission Denied</h3>
+<div class="error">
+This action requires <tt><?cs var:error.action ?></tt> permission.
+<b>Note</b>: See
+<a href="<?cs var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracPermissions">TracPermissions</a>
+for help on managing Trac permissions.
+<?cs /if ?>
+<a href="<?cs var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracGuide">TracGuide</a>
+-- The Trac User and Administration Guide
+<?cs if $error.traceback ?>
+<h4>Python traceback</h4>
+<?cs var:error.traceback ?>
+<?cs /if ?>
+<?cs include "footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/file.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/file.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/file.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs"?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs"?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<div id="subheader-links">
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+  <?cs if args.mode!= 'attachment' ?>
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:file.logurl ?>">Revision Log</a></li>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:file.texturl ?>">View as Text</a></li>
+  <li class="last"><a href="<?cs var:file.rawurl ?>">Download File</a></li>
+ <div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+  <?cs if file.attachment_parent ?>
+    <h1><a href="<?cs var:file.attachment_parent_href ?>">
+    <?cs var:file.attachment_parent ?></a>: <?cs var:file.filename ?></h1>
+    <div id="browser-nav">
+    <ul class="menulist">
+      <li><a title="Show file as plaintext" 
+       href="<?cs var:file.texturl ?>">View as Text</a></li>
+      <li><a title="Download this revision" 
+          href="<?cs var:file.rawurl ?>">Download File</a></li>
+      <?cs if $trac.acl.TRAC_ADMIN ?>
+      <li><a title="Delete This Attachment" 
+          href="?delete=yes">Delete Attachment</a></li>
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      </ul>
+    <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+    </div>
+  <?cs else ?>
+    <h1 id="file-hdr" class="hide"><?cs var:file.filename ?></h1>
+    <?cs call:browser_path_links(file.path, file) ?>
+    <div id="browser-nav">
+    <ul class="menulist"><li><a 
+      title="View Revision Log" 
+       href="<?cs var:file.logurl ?>">Revision Log</a></li><li><a 
+      title="Show file as plaintext" 
+       href="<?cs var:file.texturl ?>">View as Text</a></li><li class="last"><a 
+      title="Download this revision"  
+       href="<?cs var:file.rawurl ?>">Download File</a></li></ul>
+    <form id="browser-chgrev" action="" method="get">
+      <label for="rev">View rev:</label>
+      <input type="text" id="rev" name="rev" value="<?cs
+        var:file.rev ?>" size="4" />
+      <input type="submit" value="View"/>
+    </form>
+    <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+    </div>
+   <div id="revinfo">
+     <h2>Revision <a href="<?cs var:file.chgset_href ?>"><?cs var:file.rev ?></a> (by <?cs var:file.rev_author ?>, <?cs var:file.rev_date ?>)</h2>
+     <div id="revchange"><?cs var:file.rev_msg ?></div>
+    <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+   </div>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <?cs if file.highlighted_html ?>
+    <?cs var:file.highlighted_html ?>
+  <?cs else ?>
+    <div class="code-block">
+    Html preview unavailable. To view, 
+    <a href="<?cs var:file.filename+'?rev='+file.rev ?>&format=raw">download
+    the file</a>.
+    </div>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <?cs if $file.max_file_size_reached ?>
+    <div id="main-footer">
+     <b>Note:</b> HTML preview not available, since file-size exceeds <?cs var:$file.max_file_size  ?> bytes.
+         Try <a href="?format=raw">downloading the file</a> instead.
+    </div>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/footer.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/footer.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/footer.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<script type="text/javascript">searchHighlight()</script>
+<div id="footer">
+ <hr />
+ <a id="tracpowered" href="http://trac.edgewall.com/"><img src="<?cs
+     var:$htdocs_location ?>trac_logo_mini.png" height="30" width="107"
+     alt="Trac Powered"/></a>
+ <p class="left">
+  Powered by <b>Trac <?cs
+  var:trac.version ?></b><br />
+  By <a href="http://www.edgewall.com/">Edgewall Software</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p class="right">
+  <?cs var $project.footer ?>
+ </p>
+<?cs include "site_footer.cs" ?>
+ </body>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/header.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/header.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/header.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+        "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-20000126/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+ <head>
+  <?cs if:project.name ?>
+   <title><?cs var:project.name?><?cs if:title ?>: <?cs var:title ?><?cs
+   /if ?> - Trac</title>
+  <?cs else ?>
+   <title>Trac: <?cs var:title ?></title>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <style type="text/css">
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/trac.css");
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/code.css");
+   <?cs if:trac.active_module == 'browser' || trac.active_module == 'log' || trac.active_module == 'file'?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/browser.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'timeline' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/timeline.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'changeset' || trac.active_module == 'wiki' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/changeset.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'newticket' || trac.active_module == 'ticket' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/ticket.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'report' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/report.css");
+   <?cs elif:trac.active_module == 'search' ?>
+   @import url("<?cs var:htdocs_location ?>css/search.css");
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs include "site_css.cs" ?>
+  </style>
+  <script src="<?cs var:$htdocs_location ?>trac.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ </head>
+<?cs include "site_header.cs" ?>
+<div id="trac-main">
+<div id="header">
+  <a id="logo" href="<?cs var:header_logo.link ?>"><img src="<?cs var:header_logo.src ?>"
+      width="<?cs var:header_logo.width ?>" height="<?cs var:header_logo.height ?>"
+      alt="<?cs var:header_logo.alt ?>" /></a>
+  <hr />
+<form id="search" action="<?cs var:trac.href.search ?>" method="get">
+ <div>
+  <label for="proj-search">Search:</label>
+  <input type="text" id="proj-search" name="q" size="10" value="" />
+  <input type="submit" value="Search" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="wiki" value="on" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="changeset" value="on" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="on" />
+ </div>
+<div class="nav">
+ <h2>Navigation</h2>
+ <ul class="subheader-links">
+  <li><?cs if:trac.authname == "anonymous" || !trac.authname ?>
+    <a href="<?cs var:trac.href.login ?>">Login</a>
+  <?cs else ?>
+    logged in as <?cs var:trac.authname ?> </li>
+    <li><a href="<?cs var:trac.href.logout ?>">Logout</a>
+  <?cs /if ?></li>
+  <li><a accesskey="6" href="<?cs var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracGuide">Help/Guide</a></li>
+  <li style="display: none"><a accesskey="5" href="http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/wiki/TracFaq">FAQ</a></li>
+  <li style="display: none"><a accesskey="0" href="<?cs var:trac.href.wiki ?>/TracAccessibility">Accessibility</a></li>
+  <li class="last"><a accesskey="9" href="<?cs var:trac.href.about ?>">About Trac</a></li>
+ </ul>
+<?cs def:navlink(text, href, id, aclname, accesskey) ?><?cs
+   if $error.type || $aclname ?><li><a href="<?cs var:href ?>" <?cs 
+        if $id == $trac.active_module ?>class="active"<?cs /if ?><?cs
+        if:$accesskey!="" ?> accesskey="<?cs var:$accesskey ?>"<?cs 
+        /if ?>><?cs var:text ?></a></li><?cs 
+   /if ?><?cs /def ?>
+  <?cs if $trac.active_module == "wiki" ?>
+    <?cs set:$wiki_view="wiki" ?>
+  <?cs else  ?>
+    <?cs set:$wiki_view="attachment" ?>
+  <?cs /if  ?>
+  <?cs if $trac.active_module == "ticket" ?>
+    <?cs set:$ticket_view="ticket" ?>
+  <?cs else  ?>
+    <?cs set:$ticket_view="report" ?>
+  <?cs /if  ?>
+  <?cs if $trac.active_module == "log" ?>
+    <?cs set:$browser_view="log" ?>
+  <?cs elif $trac.active_module == "file" ?>
+    <?cs set:$browser_view="file" ?>
+  <?cs else  ?>
+    <?cs set:$browser_view="browser" ?>
+  <?cs /if  ?>
+<div id="navbar" class="nav">
+ <ul>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Wiki", $trac.href.wiki, $wiki_view,
+                    $trac.acl.WIKI_VIEW, "1") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Timeline", $trac.href.timeline, "timeline",
+                    $trac.acl.TIMELINE_VIEW, "2") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Browse Source", $trac.href.browser, $browser_view,
+                    $trac.acl.BROWSER_VIEW, "") ?>
+  <li style="display: none"><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.newticket ?>"
+                    accesskey="7">New Ticket (Accessibility)</a></li>
+  <?cs call:navlink("View Tickets", $trac.href.report, $ticket_view,
+                    $trac.acl.REPORT_VIEW, "") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("New Ticket", $trac.href.newticket, "newticket",
+                    $trac.acl.TICKET_CREATE, "9") ?>
+  <?cs call:navlink("Search", $trac.href.search, "search",
+                    $trac.acl.SEARCH_VIEW, "4") ?>
+ </ul>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/log.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/log.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/log.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs"?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs"?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+  <li class="last"><a href="<?cs
+    var:log.items.0.file_href ?>">View Latest Revision</a></li>
+ <div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+  <h1 id="log-hdr" class="hide">Revision log for <?cs var:log.path ?></h1>
+  <?cs call:browser_path_links(log.path, log) ?>
+  <div id="browser-nav">
+  <ul class="menulist"><li class="last"><a 
+     href="<?cs var:log.items.0.file_href ?>">View Latest Revision</a></li></ul>
+    <form id="browser-chgrev" action="<?cs var:log.items.0.file_href ?>" method="get">
+      <label for="rev">View rev:</label>
+      <input type="text" id="rev" name="rev" value="<?cs
+        var:log.items.0.rev ?>" size="4" />
+      <input type="submit" value="View"/>
+    </form>
+    <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+  </div>
+  <table id="browser-list" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+    <tr class="browser-listhdr">
+      <th>Date</th>
+      <th>Rev</th>
+      <th>Chgset</th>
+      <th>Author</th>
+      <th>Log Message</th>
+    </tr>
+    <?cs each:item = log.items ?>
+    <?cs if idx % #2 ?>
+    <tr class="br-row-even">
+      <?cs else ?>
+    <tr class="br-row-odd">
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      <td class="br-date-col"><?cs var:item.date ?></td>
+      <td class="br-rev-col">
+	<a class="block-link" href="<?cs var:item.file_href ?>"><?cs var:item.rev ?></a>
+      </td>
+      <td class="br-chg-col">
+	<a class="block-link" href="<?cs var:item.changeset_href ?>"><?cs var:item.rev ?></a>
+      </td>
+      <td class="br-author-col">
+	<?cs var:item.author ?>
+      </td>
+      <td class="br-summary-col"><?cs var:item.log ?></td>
+    </tr>
+    <?cs set:idx = idx + #1 ?>
+    <?cs /each ?>
+  </table>
+ <div id="main-footer">
+   Download history in other formats: <br />
+   <a class="noline" href="?format=rss"><img src="<?cs var:htdocs_location
+						  ?>xml.png" alt="RSS Feed" style="vertical-align: bottom"/></a>&nbsp;
+   <a href="?format=rss">(RSS 2.0)</a>
+   <br />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/log_rss.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/log_rss.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/log_rss.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- RSS generated by Trac v<?cs var:$trac.version ?> on <?cs var:$trac.time ?> -->
+<rss version="2.0">
+   <?cs set base_url = "http://"+$HTTP.Host ?>
+    <channel>
+      <?cs if $project.name ?>
+        <title><?cs var:$project.name?>: Revisions of <?cs var:$log.path ?></title>
+      <?cs else ?>
+        <title>Revisions of <?cs var:$log.filename ?></title>
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      <link><?cs var:$base_url ?><?cs var:$log.href ?></link>
+      <description>Trac Log - Revisions of <?cs var:$log.path ?></description>
+      <language>en-us</language>
+      <generator>Trac v<?cs var:$trac.version ?></generator>
+      <?cs each:item = $log.items ?>
+       <item>
+         <author><?cs var:$item.author ?></author>
+         <pubDate><?cs var:$item.gmt ?></pubDate>
+         <title><?cs var:$item.rev+': '+$item.shortlog ?></title>	  
+         <link><?cs var:$base_url+$item.file_href ?></link>
+         <description><?cs var:$item.log.raw ?></description>
+         <category>Report</category>
+       </item>
+      <?cs /each ?>
+    </channel>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/macros.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/macros.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/macros.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?cs def:hdf_select(enum, name, selected) ?>
+  <select size="1" id="<?cs var:name ?>" name="<?cs var:name ?>">
+  <?cs each:item = $enum ?>
+    <?cs if item.name == $selected ?>
+      <option selected="selected"><?cs var:item.name ?></option>
+    <?cs else ?>
+      <option><?cs var:item.name ?></option>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  <?cs /each ?>
+  </select>
+<?cs /def?>
+<?cs def:browser_path_links(path, file) ?>
+<?cs set:first=#1 ?>
+<div id="browser-pathlinks"><?cs 
+   each:part=path ?><a <?cs 
+     if:first ?>class="first" title="Go to root directory"<?cs 
+         set:first=#0  ?><?cs 
+     /if ?>
+     href="<?cs var:part.url ?>"><?cs var:part ?></a><?cs
+   if:!part.last ?><span class="browser-pathsep">/</span><?cs /if ?><?cs 
+ /each ?><?cs if:file.filename ?><span class="filename"><?cs var:file.filename
+ ?></span><?cs /if ?></div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:diff_display(change) ?>
+  <?cs each:block = change.blocks ?><tr>
+    <?cs if block.type == "unmod" ?><td class="unmod-left"><?cs
+      elif block.type == "mod" ?><td class="mod-left"><?cs
+      elif block.type == "add" ?><td class="add-left"><?cs
+      elif block.type == "rem" ?><td class="rem-right"><?cs
+    /if ?><?cs var:block.text.old ?></td>
+    <?cs if block.type == "unmod" ?><td class="unmod-right"><?cs
+      elif block.type == "mod" ?><td class="mod-right"><?cs
+      elif block.type == "add" ?><td class="add-right"><?cs
+      elif block.type == "rem" ?><td class="rem-right"><?cs
+    /if ?><?cs var:block.text.new ?></td></tr>
+  <?cs /each ?>
+<?cs /def ?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/newticket.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/newticket.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/newticket.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs" ?>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+addEvent(window, 'load', function() { document.getElementById('summary').focus()}); 
+<div id="page-content">
+<div id="subheader-links">
+<br />
+ <div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+<h3>Create New Ticket:</h3>
+<div id="nt-ticket">
+<form action="<?cs var:cgi_location ?>" method="post">
+ <div id="nt-body" style="width: 100%">
+  <div class="tkt-prop">
+   <label for="reporter">Your email or username:</label><br />
+   <input type="text" id="reporter" name="reporter" size="40"
+           class="textwidget" value="<?cs var:trac.authname ?>" /><br />
+  </div>
+  <div class="tkt-prop">
+   <label for="summary">Short Summary:</label>&nbsp;<br />
+   <input id="summary" type="text" name="summary" class="textwidget" size="80"/>
+  </div>
+  <div class="tkt-prop">
+   <label for="description">Full Description (You may use 
+      <a tabindex="42" href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/WikiFormatting">WikiFormatting</a> here):</label><br />
+   <textarea id="description" name="description" class="textwidget" 
+            rows="10" cols="78" style="width: 97%"></textarea>
+  </div>
+ </div>
+ <legend>Ticket Properties</legend>
+ <div id="nt-props">
+  <div id="nt-left">
+  <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="ticket" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create" />
+  <input type="hidden" name="status" value="new" />
+   <label for="component" class="nt-label">Component:</label>
+   <?cs call:hdf_select(newticket.components, "component",
+                        newticket.default_component) ?><br />
+   <label for="version" class="nt-label">Version:</label>
+   <?cs call:hdf_select(newticket.versions, "version",
+                        newticket.default_version) ?><br />
+   <label for="severity" class="nt-label">Severity:</label>
+    <?cs call:hdf_select(enums.severity, "severity",
+                         newticket.default_severity) ?><br />
+  <label for="keywords" class="nt-label">Keywords:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="keywords" name="keywords" size="28" class="textwidget" 
+          value="" /><br />
+  </div>
+ <div  id="nt-right" style="">
+  <label for="priority" class="nt-label">Priority:</label>
+  <?cs call:hdf_select(enums.priority, "priority", 
+                       newticket.default_priority) ?><br />
+  <label for="milestone" class="nt-label">Milestone:</label>
+  <?cs call:hdf_select(newticket.milestones, "milestone",
+                       newticket.default_milestone) ?><br />
+  <label for="owner" class="nt-label">Assign to:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="owner" name="owner" size="35" class="textwidget" 
+          value="<?cs var:newticket.default_owner ?>" /><br />
+  <label for="cc" class="nt-label">Cc:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="cc" name="cc" size="35" class="textwidget" 
+	value="" /><br />
+  </div>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <div id="nt-buttons">
+  <input type="reset" value="Reset" />&nbsp;
+  <input type="submit" value="Submit ticket" />
+ </div>
+ <div id="help">
+  <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki
+  ?>/TracTickets">TracTickets</a> for help on using tickets.
+ </div>
+</div> <!-- #nt-ticket -->
+ </div>
+<?cs include "footer.cs" ?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/report.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/report.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/report.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<h2 class="hide">Report Navigation</h2>
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+  <?cs if report.edit_href || report.copy_href || report.delete_href ?>
+  <li><b>This report:</b>
+    <ul>
+      <?cs if report.edit_href
+        ?><li <?cs if !report.delete_href && !report.copy_href ?>class="last"<?cs /if
+          ?>><a href="<?cs var:report.edit_href ?>">Edit</a></li><?cs
+       /if ?><?cs
+       if report.copy_href ?><li <?cs if !report.delete_href ?>class="last"<?cs /if
+          ?>><a href="<?cs var:report.copy_href ?>">Copy</a></li><?cs /if ?><?cs
+      if report.delete_href ?><li class="last"><a href="<?cs var:report.delete_href ?>">Delete</a></li><?cs /if ?></ul></li>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <?cs if report.create_href ?>
+   <li><a href="<?cs var:report.create_href ?>">New Report</a></li>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+  <li class="last"><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.report ?>">Report Index</a></li>
+<hr class="hide"/>
+<div id="main">
+    <div id="main-content">
+<?cs if report.message ?>
+ <div class="error"><?cs var report.message ?></div>
+<?cs else ?>
+ <?cs def:report_hdr(header) ?>
+   <?cs if $header ?>
+     <?cs if idx > 0 ?>
+       </table>
+     <?cs /if ?>
+     <hr class="hide"/>
+     <h2 class="report-hdr"><?cs var:header ?></h2>
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs if $report.id == -1 ?>
+     <table class="report-list-reports" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+   <?cs else ?>
+     <table class="report-list" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+   <?cs /if ?>
+     <tr>
+       <?cs set numcols = #0 ?>
+       <?cs each header = report.headers ?>
+         <?cs if $header.fullrow ?>
+           </tr><tr><th class="header-left" colspan="100"><?cs var:header ?></th>
+         <?cs else ?>
+           <?cs if $report.sorting.enabled ?>
+             <?cs set vars='' ?>
+             <?cs each arg = $report.var ?>
+               <?cs set vars=$vars+'&'+name($arg)+'='+$arg ?>
+             <?cs /each ?>
+             <?cs set sortValue = '' ?>
+             <?cs if $header.asc == '1' ?>
+               <?cs set sortValue = '?sort='+$header.real+'&asc=0' ?>
+             <?cs else ?>
+               <?cs set sortValue = '?sort='+$header.real+'&asc=1' ?>
+             <?cs /if ?>
+             <?cs if $header ?>
+             <th class="header-left"><a href="<?cs var:sortValue ?><?cs var:vars ?>"><?cs var:header ?></a></th>
+             <?cs /if ?>
+           <?cs elif $header ?>
+             <th class="header-left"><?cs var:header ?></th>
+           <?cs /if ?>
+           <?cs if $header.breakrow ?>
+              </tr><tr>
+           <?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs set numcols = numcols + #1 ?>
+       <?cs /each ?>
+     </tr>
+ <?cs /def ?>
+ <?cs def:report_cell(class,contents) ?>
+   <?cs if $cell.fullrow ?>
+     </tr><tr class="<?cs var: row_class ?>" style="<?cs var: row_style ?>;border: none; padding: 0;">
+ <td colspan="100" style="padding: 0;border: none"><div class="report-fullrow"><?cs var:$contents ?></div><hr class="hide"/></td>
+   <?cs else ?>
+   <td <?cs if $cell.breakrow || $col == $numcols ?>colspan="100" <?cs /if
+ ?>class="<?cs var:$class ?>"><?cs if $contents ?><?cs var:$contents ?><?cs /if ?></td>
+ <?cs if $cell.breakafter ?>
+     </tr><tr class="<?cs var: row_class ?>" style="<?cs var: row_style ?>;border: none; padding: 0">
+ <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs set col = $col + #1 ?>
+ <?cs /def ?>
+ <?cs set idx = #0 ?>
+ <?cs set group = '' ?>
+ <?cs if report.mode == "list" ?>
+   <h1 id="report-hdr"><?cs var:report.title ?>
+   <?cs if:report.numrows && report.id != -1 ?><span id="numrows">(<?cs var:report.numrows ?> matches)</span><?cs /if ?>
+     <?cs if report.description ?>
+       <div id="report-descr"><?cs var:report.description ?></div>
+     <?cs /if ?>
+     <?cs each row = report.items ?>
+       <?cs if group != row.__group__ || idx == #0 ?>
+         <?cs set group = row.__group__ ?>
+         <?cs call:report_hdr(group) ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if row.__color__ ?>
+         <?cs set rstem='color'+$row.__color__ +'-' ?>
+       <?cs else ?>
+        <?cs set rstem='' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if idx % #2 ?>
+         <?cs set row_class=$rstem+'even' ?>
+       <?cs else ?>
+         <?cs set row_class=$rstem+'odd' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs set row_style='' ?>
+       <?cs if row.__bgcolor__ ?>
+         <?cs set row_style='background: ' + row.__bgcolor__ + ';' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if row.__fgcolor__ ?>
+         <?cs set row_style=$row_style + 'color: ' + row.__fgcolor__ + ';' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs if row.__style__ ?>
+         <?cs set row_style=$row_style + row.__style__ + ';' ?>
+       <?cs /if ?>
+       <tr class="<?cs var: row_class ?>" style="<?cs var: row_style ?>">
+       <?cs set idx = idx + #1 ?>
+       <?cs set col = #0 ?>
+       <?cs each cell = row ?>
+         <?cs if cell.hidden || cell.hidehtml ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "ticket" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('ticket-col',
+                                 '<a title="View ticket #'+$cell+'" class="block" href="'+
+                                 $cell.ticket_href+'">#'+$cell+'</a>') ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "report" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('report-col',
+                '<a title="View Report" class="block" href="'+$cell.report_href+'">{'+$cell+'}</a>') ?>
+           <?cs set:report_href=$cell.report_href ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "time" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('date-column', $cell.date) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "date" || name(cell) == "created" || name(cell) == "modified" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('date-column', $cell.date) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "datetime"  ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('date-column', $cell.datetime) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "description" ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('', $cell.parsed) ?>
+         <?cs elif name(cell) == "title" && $report.id == -1 ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell('title-col',
+                                 '<a  title="View Report" class="block" href="'+
+                                 $report_href+'">'+$cell+'</a>') ?>
+         <?cs else ?>
+           <?cs call:report_cell(name(cell)+'-col', $cell) ?>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs /each ?>
+       </tr>
+     <?cs /each ?>
+   </table>
+   <?cs if $idx == #0 ?>
+    <div id="report-notfound">No matches found.</div>
+   <?cs /if ?>
+ <?cs elif report.mode == "editor" ?>
+   <h1 id="report-hdr">Create New Report</h1>
+   <form action="<?cs var:cgi_location ?>" method="post">
+     <div>
+       <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="report" />
+       <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?cs var:report.id ?>" />
+       <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?cs var:report.action ?>" />
+       <label for="title">Report Title:</label><br />
+        <input type="text" id="title" name="title"
+               value="<?cs var:report.title ?>" size="50" /><br />
+       <div style="margin-top: 1em">
+       <label for="description">
+        Description:</label> (You may use <a tabindex="42" href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/WikiFormatting">WikiFormatting</a> here)</div>
+       <textarea id="description" name="description" cols="85" rows="5"><?cs var:report.description ?></textarea>
+       <br />
+       <label for="sql" style="display: block; margin-top: 1em">
+        SQL Query for Report:</label>
+       <textarea id="sql" name="sql" cols="85" rows="20"><?cs var:report.sql ?></textarea>
+       <br />
+       <input type="submit" value="Save" />&nbsp;
+       <input type="submit" name="view" value="Cancel" />
+     </div>
+   </form>
+ <?cs /if?>
+ <div id="help" style="text-align: left; margin-top: 2em">
+  <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/TracReports">TracReports</a> 
+  for help on using and creating reports.
+ </div>
+ <?cs if report.id > #0 ?>
+ <?cs set vars='' ?>
+ <?cs each arg = $report.var ?>
+   <?cs set vars=$vars+'&'+name($arg)+'='+$arg ?>
+ <?cs /each ?>
+ <?cs set sortInfo='' ?>
+ <?cs if args.sort ?>
+   <?cs set sortInfo=$sortInfo+'&sort='+$args.sort ?>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+ <?cs if args.asc ?>
+   <?cs set sortInfo=$sortInfo+'&asc='+$args.asc ?>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+  <div id="main-footer">
+   Download report in other data formats: <br />
+   <a class="noline" href="?format=rss"><img src="<?cs var:htdocs_location
+ ?>xml.png" alt="RSS Feed" style="vertical-align: bottom"/></a>&nbsp;
+   <a href="?format=rss<?cs var $vars ?><?cs var $sortInfo ?>">(RSS 2.0)</a>&nbsp;|
+   <a href="?format=csv<?cs var $vars ?><?cs var $sortInfo ?>">Comma-delimited</a>&nbsp;|
+   <a href="?format=tab<?cs var $vars ?><?cs var $sortInfo
+   ?>">Tab-delimited</a><?cs if $trac.acl.REPORT_SQL_VIEW ?>&nbsp;|
+   <a href="?format=sql">SQL Query</a><?cs /if ?>
+   <br />
+  </div>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /if ?><!-- report.message -->
+  </div>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/report_rss.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/report_rss.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/report_rss.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- RSS generated by Trac v<?cs var:$trac.version ?> on <?cs var:$trac.time ?> -->
+<rss version="2.0">
+   <?cs set base_url = "http://"+$HTTP.Host ?>
+    <channel>
+      <?cs if $project.name ?>
+        <title><?cs var:$project.name?>: <?cs var:$report.title ?></title>
+      <?cs else ?>
+        <title><?cs var:$title ?></title>
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      <link><?cs var:$base_url ?><?cs var:$trac.href.report ?>/<?cs var:$report.id ?></link>
+      <description>Trac Report - <?cs var:$report.title ?></description>
+      <language>en-us</language>
+      <generator>Trac v<?cs var:$trac.version ?></generator>
+      <?cs each:row = $report.items ?>
+        <?cs set title = '' ?>
+        <?cs set descr = '' ?>
+        <?cs set author = '' ?>
+        <?cs set pubdate = '' ?>
+        <?cs each:item = $row ?>
+          <?cs if name(item) == 'ticket' ?>
+	    <?cs set link = $base_url+$item.ticket_href ?>
+	    <?cs set id = $item ?>
+          <?cs elif name(item) == 'summary' ?>
+	    <?cs set title = $item ?>
+          <?cs elif name(item) == 'description' ?>
+	    <?cs set descr = $item ?>
+          <?cs elif name(item) == 'reporter' ?>
+	    <?cs set author = $item ?>
+          <?cs elif name(item) == 'time' || name(item) == 'changetime' 
+                    || name(item) == 'created' || name(item) == 'modified' ?>
+	    <?cs set pubdate = $item.gmt ?>
+          <?cs /if ?>
+       <?cs /each ?>
+       <item>
+         <author><?cs var:$author ?></author>
+         <pubDate><?cs var:$pubdate ?></pubDate>
+         <title><?cs var:'#'+$id+': '+$title ?></title>	  
+         <link><?cs var:$link ?></link>
+         <description><?cs var:$descr ?></description>
+         <category>Report</category>
+       </item>
+      <?cs /each ?>
+    </channel>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/search.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/search.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/search.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs"?>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+addEvent(window, 'load', function() { document.getElementById('q').focus()}); 
+<div id="page-content">
+ <div id="subheader-links">
+ </div>
+ <div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+<form action="<?cs var:trac.href.search ?>" method="get">
+<h3 id="search-hdr"><label for="q">Search</label></h3>
+<input type="text" id="q" name="q" size="40" value="<?cs var:search.q ?>" />
+<input type="submit" value="Search" /><br />
+<input type="checkbox" <?cs if search.wiki ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> 
+       id="wiki" name="wiki" />
+<label for="wiki">Wiki</label>
+<input type="checkbox" <?cs if search.ticket ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?>
+       id="ticket" name="ticket" />
+<label for="ticket">Tickets</label>
+<input type="checkbox"  <?cs if search.changeset ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?>
+       id="changeset" name="changeset" />
+<label for="changeset">Changesets</label>
+<?cs def result(title, keywords, body, link) ?>
+ <div class="result-item">
+ <a class="result-title" href="<?cs var:$link ?>"><?cs var:$title ?></a>
+ <?cs if:$keywords ?><div class="result-keywords"><?cs var:$keywords ?></div><?cs /if ?>
+ <div class="result-body"><?cs var:$body ?></div>
+ <span class="result-author">By <?cs var:$item.author ?></span>
+ -  <span class="result-date"><?cs var:$item.datetime ?></span>
+ </div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs if ? search.result.0.type ?>
+ <h2>Search results
+    <?cs if $search.result.page ?>
+    (<?cs var $search.result.page * $search.results_per_page ?>-<?cs
+          var ((1+$search.result.page) * $search.results_per_page)-1 ?>)
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  <div id="search-result">
+  <div id="searchable">
+   <?cs each item=search.result ?> 
+    <?cs if item.type == 1 ?>
+     <?cs call result('['+item.data+']: '+item.shortmsg,
+                      item.keywords,
+                      item.message,
+                      item.changeset_href) ?>
+    <?cs elif item.type == 2 ?>
+     <?cs call result('#'+item.data+': '+item.title,
+                      item.keywords,
+                      item.message,
+                      item.ticket_href) ?>
+    <?cs elif item.type == 3 ?>
+     <?cs call result(item.data+': '+item.shortmsg,
+                      item.keywords,
+                      item.message,
+                      item.wiki_href) ?>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs /each ?>
+   </div>
+    <?cs set:url=$trac.href.search+'?q='+ $search.q ?>
+    <?cs if $search.wiki ?><?cs set:url=$url+'&wiki=on' ?><?cs /if 
+      ?><?cs if $search.ticket ?><?cs set:url=$url+'&ticket=on' ?><?cs /if 
+      ?><?cs if $search.changeset ?><?cs set:url=$url+'&changeset=on'
+      ?><?cs /if ?>
+    <?cs set:url=$url+'&page=' ?>
+    <hr />
+    <?cs if $search.result.page ?>
+      <a href="<?cs var:$url ?><?cs var:$search.result.page-#1 ?>">Prev
+    <?cs if $search.result.more ?>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<?cs /if ?>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+    <?cs if $search.result.more ?>
+     <a href="<?cs var:$url ?><?cs var:$search.result.page+#1 ?>">Next Page</a>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  </div>
+<?cs elif $search.q ?>
+ <div id="search-notfound">No matches found.</div>
+<?cs /if ?>
+ </div> 
+ <div id="help" style="text-align: left; margin-top: 2em">
+  <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/TracSearch">TracSearch</a>  for help on searching.
+ </div>
+<?cs include "footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/ticket.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/ticket.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/ticket.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs" ?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<h2 class="hide">Ticket Navigation</h2>
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+ <li class="last"><a href="#edit">Add/Change Info</a></li>
+ <div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+   <div id="searchable">
+<?cs if:ticket.status == 'closed' ?>
+ <?cs set:status = ' (Closed: ' + $ticket.resolution + ')' ?>
+<?cs elif:ticket.status == 'new' ?>
+<?cs else ?>
+ <?cs set:status = ' (' + ticket.status + ')' ?>
+<?cs /if ?>
+<?cs def:ticketprop(label, value) ?>
+ <td class="tkt-label"><b><?cs var:$label ?>:</b></td>
+ <td class="tkt-val">
+  <?cs if:$value ?><i><?cs var:$value ?></i><?cs else ?>&nbsp;<?cs /if ?>
+ </td>
+ <?cs if numprops % #2 ?>
+  </tr><tr>
+ <?cs else ?>
+  <td class="tkt-prop-sep">&nbsp;</td>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+ <?cs set numprops = $numprops + #1 ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<div id="tkt-main">
+<div id="tkt-ticket">
+ <div id="tkt-date"><?cs var:ticket.opened ?></div>
+<h1 id="tkt-hdr">Ticket #<?cs var:ticket.id ?><?cs var:status ?><br />
+ <span class="hide">-</span> <span id="tkt-subhdr"><?cs var:ticket.summary ?></span></h1>
+ <hr class="hide" />
+ <table style="width: 100%">
+  <tr>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Priority", ticket.priority) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Reporter", ticket.reporter) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Severity", ticket.severity) ?>
+   <?cs if ticket.status == "assigned"?>
+    <?cs call:ticketprop("Assigned to", ticket.owner + " (accepted)") ?>
+   <?cs else ?>
+    <?cs call:ticketprop("Assigned to", ticket.owner) ?>
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Component", ticket.component) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Status", ticket.status) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Version", ticket.version) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Resolution", ticket.resolution) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Milestone", ticket.milestone) ?>
+   <?cs call:ticketprop("Keywords", ticket.keywords) ?>
+  </tr>
+ </table>
+ <hr class="hide" />
+ <h3 id="tkt-descr-hdr">Description by <?cs var:ticket.reporter ?>:</h3>
+    <?cs var:ticket.description ?>
+ <hr class="hide"/>
+<?cs if trac.acl.TICKET_MODIFY || ticket.attachments.0.name ?>
+ <h2 id="tkt-changes-hdr">Attachments</h2>
+ <?cs if ticket.attachments.0.name ?>
+  <div id="tkt-changes">
+   <ul class="tkt-chg-list">
+    <?cs each:a = ticket.attachments ?>
+     <li class="tkt-chg-change"><a href="<?cs var:a.href ?>">
+      <?cs var:a.name ?></a> (<?cs var:a.size ?>) -
+      <?cs var:a.descr ?>,
+      added by <?cs var:a.author ?> on <?cs var:a.time ?>.</li>
+    <?cs /each ?>
+   </ul>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+ <?cs if trac.acl.TICKET_MODIFY ?>
+  <form method="get" action="<?cs var:cgi_location?>/attachment/ticket/<?cs var:ticket.id ?>"><div>
+   <input type="submit" value="Attach File" />
+   </div></form>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+ <?cs if ticket.attachments.0.name ?>
+  </div>
+ <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /if ?>
+<?cs if ticket.changes.0.time ?>
+  <h2 id="tkt-changes-hdr">Changelog</h2>
+  <div id="tkt-changes">
+    <?cs set:numchanges = 0 ?>
+    <?cs set:comment = "" ?>
+    <?cs set:curr_time = "" ?>
+    <?cs set:curr_author = "" ?>
+    <?cs each:item = ticket.changes ?>
+      <?cs set:numchanges = #numchanges + 1 ?>
+      <?cs if $item.time != $curr_time || $item.author != $curr_author ?>
+        <?cs if $comment != "" ?>
+          <li class="tkt-chg-change">
+            <h4 class="tkt-chg-comment-hdr">Comment:</h4>
+            <div  class="tkt-chg-comment"><?cs var:$comment ?></div>
+            <?cs set:comment = "" ?>
+          </li>
+        <?cs /if ?>
+        <?cs set:curr_time = $item.time ?>
+        <?cs set:curr_author = $item.author ?>
+        <?cs if:#numchanges > 1 ?>
+          </ul>
+          <hr class="hide"/>
+        <?cs /if ?>
+        <h3 class="tkt-chg-mod">
+          <a name="<?cs var:#numchanges ?>"><?cs var:item.date ?> : Modified by <?cs var:curr_author ?></a>
+        </h3>
+        <ul class="tkt-chg-list">
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      <?cs if $item.field == "comment" ?>
+      <?cs set:$comment = $item.new ?> 
+      <?cs elif $item.new == "" ?>
+        <li class="tkt-chg-change">
+           cleared <b><?cs var:item.field?></b>
+        </li>
+      <?cs elif $item.field == "attachment" ?>
+        <li class="tkt-chg-change">
+           <b>Attachment</b> added: <?cs var:item.new ?>
+        </li>
+      <?cs elif $item.old == "" ?>
+        <li class="tkt-chg-change">
+          <b><?cs var:item.field ?></b> set to <b><?cs var:item.new ?></b>
+        </li>
+      <?cs else ?>
+        <li class="tkt-chg-change">
+           <b><?cs var:item.field ?></b> changed from
+           <b><?cs var:item.old ?></b> to
+           <b><?cs var:item.new ?></b>
+        </li>
+      <?cs /if ?>
+    <?cs /each ?>
+    <?cs if $comment != "" ?>
+       <li class="tkt-chg-change">
+         <h4 class="tkt-chg-comment-hdr">Comment:</h4>
+         <div  class="tkt-chg-comment"><?cs var:$comment ?></div>
+       </li>
+     <?cs /if ?>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+<?cs /if ?>
+<br /><hr />
+<h3><a name="edit"
+#<?cs var:ticket.id ?> (<?cs var:ticket.summary ?>)</a></h3>
+<form action="<?cs var:cgi_location ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+  <div class="tkt-prop">
+   <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="ticket" />
+   <input type="hidden" name="id"   value="<?cs var:ticket.id ?>" />
+   <label for="reporter">Your email or username:</label><br />
+    <input type="text" id="reporter" name="reporter" class="textwidget" size="40"
+           value="<?cs var:trac.authname ?>" /><br />
+  </div>
+  <div class="tkt-prop">
+  <label for="comment">Add Comment (You may use 
+      <a tabindex="42" href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/WikiFormatting">WikiFormatting</a> here):</label><br />
+  <textarea id="comment" name="comment" class="textwidget"
+            rows="10" cols="78" style="width: 97%; max-width: 694px"></textarea>
+ <br />&nbsp;
+  </div>
+ <fieldset>
+   <legend>Change Properties</legend>
+ <div id="nt-props"  style="padding: .5em">
+<div style="margin-bottom: 1em">
+<label for="summary" class="nt-label">Summary:</label>
+<input id="summary" type="text" name="summary" class="textwidget" size="80"
+       value="<?cs var:ticket.summary ?>" />
+  <div id="nt-left">
+   <label for="component" class="nt-label">Component:</label>
+   <?cs call:hdf_select(ticket.components, "component", ticket.component) ?>
+   <br />
+   <label for="version" class="nt-label">Version:</label>
+   <?cs call:hdf_select(ticket.versions, "version", ticket.version) ?>
+   <br />
+   <label for="severity" class="nt-label">Severity:</label>
+   <?cs call:hdf_select(enums.severity, "severity", ticket.severity) ?>
+   <br />
+   <label for="keywords" class="nt-label">Keywords:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="keywords" name="keywords" size="25" class="textwidget" 
+          value="<?cs var:ticket.keywords ?>" />
+   <br />&nbsp;
+  </div>
+ <div  id="nt-right" style="">
+  <label for="priority" class="nt-label">Priority:</label>
+  <?cs call:hdf_select(enums.priority, "priority", ticket.priority) ?>
+  <br />
+  <label for="milestone" class="nt-label">Milestone:</label>
+  <?cs call:hdf_select(ticket.milestones, "milestone", ticket.milestone) ?>
+  <br />
+  <span class="nt-label">Assigned to:</span>
+  <?cs var:ticket.owner ?>
+  <br />
+  <label for="cc" class="nt-label">Cc:</label>
+   <input type="text" id="cc" name="cc" class="textwidget"
+          value="<?cs var:ticket.cc ?>" size="35" />
+  </div>
+ </div>
+  </fieldset>
+ <div id="tkt-submit">
+  <fieldset>
+   <legend>Action</legend>
+  <input type="radio" id="leave" name="action" value="leave" checked="checked" />
+   &nbsp;<label for="leave">leave as <?cs var:ticket.status ?></label><br />
+   <?cs if $ticket.status == "new" ?>
+    <input type="radio" id="accept" name="action" value="accept" />
+     &nbsp;<label for="accept">accept ticket</label><br />
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs if $ticket.status == "closed" ?>
+    <input type="radio" id="reopen" name="action" value="reopen" />
+     &nbsp;<label for="reopen">reopen ticket</label><br />
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   <?cs if $ticket.status == "new" || $ticket.status == "assigned" || $ticket.status == "reopened" ?>
+    <input type="radio" id="resolve" name="action" value="resolve" />
+     &nbsp;<label for="resolve">resolve as:</label>
+     <select name="resolve_resolution">
+      <option selected="selected">fixed</option>
+      <option>invalid</option>
+      <option>wontfix</option>
+      <option>duplicate</option>
+      <option>worksforme</option>
+     </select><br />
+    <input type="radio" id="reassign" name="action" value="reassign" />
+    &nbsp;<label for="reassign">reassign ticket to:</label>
+    &nbsp;<input type="text" id="reassign_owner" name="reassign_owner" 
+           class="textwidget" value="<?cs var:trac.authname ?>" />
+   <?cs /if ?>
+   </fieldset>
+  <div id="nt-buttons" style="clear: both">
+   <input type="reset" value="Reset" />&nbsp;
+   <input type="submit" value="Submit changes" /> 
+  </div>
+ </div>
+</div> <!-- #tkt-main -->
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/ticket_notify_email.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/ticket_notify_email.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/ticket_notify_email.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?cs var:$email.ticket_body_hdr ?>
+<?cs var:$email.ticket_props ?><?cs 
+if:$ticket.new ?>
+<?cs var:$ticket.description ?>
+<?cs else ?><?cs 
+ if:$email.changes_body ?>
+Changes (by <?cs var:$ticket.change.author ?>):
+<?cs var:$email.changes_body ?><?cs
+ /if ?><?cs 
+ if:$ticket.change.comment.newvalue ?>
+ if:!$email.changes_body ?> (by <?cs 
+   var:$ticket.change.comment.author ?>)<?cs /if ?>:
+<?cs var:$ticket.change.comment.newvalue ?>
+<?cs /if ?><?cs 
+/if ?>
+Ticket URL: <<?cs var:$ticket.link ?>>
+<?cs var:$project.name ?> <<?cs var:$trac.href.homepage ?>>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/timeline.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/timeline.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/timeline.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs"?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<h2 class="hide">Timeline Navigation</h2>
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+  <li class="last"><a href="?daysback=90&amp;max=50&amp;format=rss">RSS Feed</a></li>
+<div id="main">
+  <div id="main-content">
+<h1 id="timeline-hdr">Timeline</h1>
+<form action="<?cs var:trac.href.timeline ?>">
+  <div id="timeline-prefs">
+    <label for="from">View changes from</label>
+    <input type="text" size="10" id="from" name="from"
+        value="<?cs var:timeline.from ?>" /> and <input type="text" size="3"
+        id="daysback" name="daysback"  value="<?cs var:timeline.daysback ?>" />
+    <label for="daysback">days back</label>.
+  <div id="timeline-prefs-checks">
+    <input type="checkbox" id="ticket" name="ticket" 
+           <?cs if:timeline.ticket ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> />
+    <label for="ticket">Ticket changes</label><br />
+    <input type="checkbox" id="changeset" name="changeset" 
+           <?cs if:timeline.changeset ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> />
+    <label for="changeset">Repository checkins</label><br />
+    <input type="checkbox" id="wiki" name="wiki"
+           <?cs if:timeline.wiki ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> />
+    <label for="wiki">Wiki changes</label><br />
+    <input type="checkbox" id="milestone" name="milestone"
+           <?cs if:timeline.milestone ?>checked="checked"<?cs /if ?> />
+    <label for="milestone">Milestones</label>
+  </div>
+  <div id="timeline-prefs-btns">
+    <input type="submit" value="Update" /> 
+  </div>
+  </div>
+<?cs def:day_separator(date) ?>
+  <?cs if: $date != $current_date ?>
+    <?cs set: $current_date = $date ?>
+      <h2 class="timeline-daysep"><?cs var:date ?>:</h2>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:tlitem(url,icon,msg,descr) ?>
+  <a class="tl-item" href="<?cs var:url ?>">
+    <img class="tl-item-icon" alt="" 
+          src="<?cs var:$htdocs_location + $icon ?>" />
+    <span class="tl-item-time"><?cs var:item.time ?> :</span> 
+    <span class="tl-item-msg"><?cs var:msg ?></span>
+  </a>
+  <?cs if:descr ?>
+    <div class="tl-item-descr"><?cs var:descr ?></div>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs each:item = timeline.items ?>
+  <?cs call:day_separator(item.date) ?>
+  <div class="tl-day">
+  <?cs if:item.type == #1 ?><!-- Changeset -->
+    <?cs call:tlitem(item.changeset_href, 'changeset.png',
+      'Changeset <b class="tl-item-link">['+$item.idata+']</b>
+       by '+$item.author, item.message) ?>
+    <?cs elif:item.type == #2 ?><!-- New ticket -->
+      <?cs call:tlitem(item.ticket_href, 'newticket.png',
+        'Ticket <b class="tl-item-link">#'+$item.idata+'</b>
+         created by '+$item.author, item.message) ?>
+    <?cs elif:item.type == #3 ?><!-- Closed ticket -->
+      <?cs call:tlitem(item.ticket_href, 'closedticket.png',
+        'Ticket <b class="tl-item-link">#'+$item.idata+'</b>
+         resolved by '+$item.author, '') ?>
+    <?cs elif:item.type == #4 ?><!-- Reopened ticket -->
+      <?cs call:tlitem(item.ticket_href, 'newticket.png',
+        'Ticket <b class="tl-item-link">#'+$item.idata+'</b>
+         reopened by '+$item.author, '') ?>
+    <?cs elif:item.type == #5 ?><!-- Wiki change -->
+      <?cs call:tlitem(item.wiki_href, 'wiki.png',
+        '<b class="tl-item-link">'+$item.tdata+'</b>
+         edited by '+$item.author, item.message) ?>
+    <?cs elif:item.type == #6 ?><!-- milestone -->
+      <?cs call:tlitem('', 'milestone.png',
+	 '<b class="tl-item-link">Milestone '+$item.message+' reached</b>', '') ?>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  </div>
+<?cs /each ?>
+<br />
+<hr />
+<div id="help">
+ <strong>Note:</strong> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/TracTimeline">TracTimeline</a> 
+ for information about the timeline view.
+ <div id="main-footer">
+  Download in other formats: <br />
+  <a class="noline" href="?daysback=90&amp;max=50&amp;format=rss"><img src="<?cs var:htdocs_location
+?>xml.png" alt="RSS Feed" style="vertical-align: bottom"/></a>&nbsp;
+  <a href="?daysback=90&amp;max=50&amp;format=rss">(RSS 2.0)</a>
+  <br />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<?cs include:"footer.cs"?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/timeline_rss.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/timeline_rss.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/timeline_rss.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- RSS generated by Trac v<?cs var:$trac.version ?> on <?cs var:$trac.time ?> -->
+<rss version="2.0">
+   <?cs set base_url = "http://"+$HTTP.Host ?>
+   <?cs def:rss_item(category,title, link, descr) ?>
+      <item>
+        <author><?cs var:$item.author ?></author>
+        <pubDate><?cs var:$item.datetime ?></pubDate>
+        <title><?cs var:$title ?></title>	  
+        <link><?cs var:$base_url ?><?cs var:$link ?></link>
+        <description><?cs var:$descr ?></description>
+        <category><?cs var:$category ?></category>
+      </item>
+   <?cs /def ?>
+    <channel>
+      <?cs if $project.name ?>
+        <title><?cs var:$project.name?>: <?cs var:$title ?></title>
+      <?cs else ?>
+        <title><?cs var:$title ?></title>
+      <?cs /if ?>
+      <link><?cs var:$base_url ?><?cs var:$trac.href.timeline ?></link>
+      <description>Trac Timeline</description>
+      <language>en-us</language>
+      <generator>Trac v<?cs var:$trac.version ?></generator>
+      <image>
+        <title><?cs var:$project.name?></title>
+        <url><?cs if !$header_logo.src_abs ?><?cs var:$base_url ?><?cs /if ?><?cs var $header_logo.src ?></url>
+        <link><?cs var:$base_url ?></link>
+      </image>
+      <?cs each:item = $timeline.items ?>
+        <?cs if:item.type == #1 ?><!-- Changeset -->
+          <?cs call:rss_item('Changeset',
+                             'Changeset ['+$item.idata+']: '+$item.shortmsg, 
+                             $item.changeset_href, $item.msg_nowiki) ?>
+        <?cs elif:item.type == #2 ?><!-- New ticket -->
+          <?cs call:rss_item('Ticket',
+                             'Ticket #'+$item.idata+' created: '+$item.shortmsg,
+                             $item.ticket_href, $item.message) ?>
+        <?cs elif:item.type == #3 ?><!-- Closed ticket -->
+          <?cs call:rss_item('Ticket',
+                             'Ticket #'+$item.idata+' resolved: '+$item.shortmsg,
+                             $item.ticket_href, $item.message) ?>
+        <?cs elif:item.type == #4 ?><!-- Reopened ticket -->
+          <?cs call:rss_item('Ticket',
+                             '#'+$item.idata+' reopened: '+$item.shortmsg,
+                             $item.ticket_href, $item.message) ?>
+        <?cs elif:item.type == #5 ?><!-- Wiki change -->
+          <?cs call:rss_item('Wiki',
+                             $item.tdata+" page edited.",
+                             $item.wiki_href,
+'Wiki page <a href="'+$base_url+$item.wiki_href+'">'+$item.tdata+'</a> edited by '+$item.author) ?>
+        <?cs elif:item.type == #6 ?><!-- Milestones -->
+          <?cs call:rss_item('Milestone',
+                             'Milestone ' + $item.message + ' reached.',
+                             '',
+	       'Milestone ' + $item.tdata + ' reached.') ?>
+        <?cs /if ?>
+      <?cs /each ?>
+    </channel>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/wiki.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/wiki.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/trac/wiki.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs" ?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<h2 class="hide">Wiki Navigation</h2>
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>">Start Page</a></li>
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/TitleIndex">Title Index</a></li>
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/RecentChanges">Recent Changes</a></li>
+  <?cs if $wiki.history ?>
+    <li class="last"><a href="javascript:view_history()">Show/Hide History</a></li>
+  <?cs else ?>
+    <li class="last">Show/Hide History</li>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs def:day_separator(date) ?>
+  <?cs if: $date != $current_date ?>
+    <?cs set: $current_date = $date ?>
+    </ul>
+    <h3 class="recentchanges-daysep"><?cs var:date ?>:</h3>
+    <ul>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<hr class="hide"/>
+<?cs if $wiki.history ?>
+    <h3 class="hide">Page History</h3>
+    <table id="wiki-history">
+      <tr>
+        <th>Version</th>
+        <th>Time</th>
+        <th>Author</th>
+        <th>IP#</th>
+      </tr>
+      <?cs each item = $wiki.history ?>
+        <tr class="wiki-history-row">
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+             href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.version ?></a>&nbsp;(<a class="wiki-history-link"
+                  href="<?cs var:$item.diff_url ?>">diff</a>)</td>
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+               href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.time ?></a></td>
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+               href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.author ?></a></td>
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+               href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.ipnr ?></a></td>
+        </tr>
+      <?cs /each ?>
+    </table>
+    <hr class="hide"/>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  <div id="main">
+    <div id="main-content">
+    <div id="wiki-body">
+        <?cs if $wiki.title_index.0.title ?>
+          <h2>TitleIndex</h2>
+          <ul>
+          <?cs each item = $wiki.title_index ?>
+            <li><a href="<?cs var:item.href?>"><?cs var:item.title ?></a></li>
+          <?cs /each ?>
+          </ul>
+        <?cs elif $wiki.recent_changes.0.title ?>
+          <h2>RecentChanges</h2>
+          <ul>
+          <?cs each item = $wiki.recent_changes ?>
+            <?cs call:day_separator(item.time) ?>
+            <li><a href="<?cs var:item.href?>"><?cs var:item.title ?></a></li>
+          <?cs /each ?>
+          </ul>
+        <?cs elif wiki.action == "diff" ?>
+          <h1>Changes in version <?cs var:wiki.edit_version?> of <?cs var:wiki.page_name ?></h1>
+           <table id="overview">
+            <tr class="author">
+             <th scope="row">Author:</th>
+             <td><?cs var:wiki.diff.author ?></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr class="time">
+             <th scope="row">Timestamp:</th>
+             <td><?cs var:wiki.diff.time ?></td>
+            </tr>
+            <?cs if:wiki.diff.comment ?>
+             <tr class="comment">
+              <th scope="row">Comment:</th>
+              <td><?cs var:wiki.diff.comment ?></td>
+             </tr>
+            <?cs /if ?>
+           </table>
+          <div class="hide">
+            <hr />
+            <h2>-=&gt; Note: Diff viewing requires CSS2 &lt;=-</h2>
+            <p>
+              Output below might not be useful.
+            </p>
+            <hr />
+          </div>
+          <div id="chg-legend">
+           <h3>Legend:</h3>
+           <ul>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-unmod"> </span>Unmodified</li>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-add"> </span>Added</li>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-rem"> </span>Removed</li>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-mod"> </span>Modified</li>
+           </ul>
+          </div>
+          <div id="chg-diff">
+           <div class="chg-diff-file">
+             <table class="diff-table" cellspacing="0">
+               <tr><td class="diff-line"><?cs var:wiki.diff.name.old ?></td>
+               <td class="diff-line"><?cs var:wiki.diff.name.new ?></td></tr>
+               <?cs each:change = wiki.diff.changes ?><?cs
+                 call:diff_display(change) ?><?cs
+                 /each ?>
+             </table>
+           </div>
+          </div>
+        <?cs else ?>
+          <?cs if wiki.action == "edit" || wiki.action == "preview" ?>
+           <h3>Editing "<?cs var:wiki.page_name ?>"</h3>
+           <div style="width: 100%">
+            <form action="<?cs var:wiki.current_href ?>" method="post">
+              <input type="hidden" name="edit_version"
+                  value="<?cs var:wiki.edit_version?>" />
+              <label for="text">Page source:</label><br />
+              <textarea id="text" name="text" rows="20" cols="80"
+                  style="width: 97%"><?cs var:wiki.page_source ?></textarea>
+              <div id="help">
+              <b>Note:</b> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki
+?>/WikiFormatting">WikiFormatting</a> and <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki
+?>/TracWiki">TracWiki</a> for help on editing wiki content.
+              </div>
+              <fieldset>
+                <legend>Change information</legend>
+                <div style="display: inline; float: left; margin: 0 .5em;">
+                  <label for="author">Your email or username:</label><br />
+                  <input id="author" type="text" name="author" size="30"
+                       value="<?cs var:wiki.author?>"/>
+                </div>
+                <div>
+                  <label for="comment">Comment about this change (optional):</label>
+                  <br />
+                  <input id="comment" type="text" name="comment" size="60"
+                        value="<?cs var:wiki.comment?>" />
+                </div>
+                <div class="buttons">
+                    <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save changes" />&nbsp;
+                    <input type="submit" name="preview" value="Preview" />&nbsp;
+                    <input type="submit" name="view" value="Cancel" />
+                </div>
+              </fieldset>
+            </form>
+           </div>
+          <?cs /if ?>
+          <?cs if wiki.action == "view" || wiki.action == "preview" ?>
+            <?cs if wiki.action == "preview" ?><hr /><?cs /if ?>
+            <div class="wikipage">
+                <div id="searchable">
+                 <?cs var:wiki.page_html ?>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+          <?cs if $wiki.attachments.0.name ?>
+           <h3 id="tkt-changes-hdr">Attachments</h3>
+           <ul class="tkt-chg-list">
+           <?cs each:a = wiki.attachments ?>
+             <li class="tkt-chg-change"><a href="<?cs var:a.href ?>">
+             <?cs var:a.name ?></a> (<?cs var:a.size ?>) -
+             <?cs var:a.descr ?>,
+             added by <?cs var:a.author ?> on <?cs var:a.time ?>.</li>
+           <?cs /each ?>
+         </ul>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs if wiki.action == "view" && trac.acl.WIKI_MODIFY ?>
+           <form class="inline" method="get" action=""><div>
+               <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="yes" />
+               <input type="submit" value="Edit This Page" />
+              </div></form>
+              <form class="inline" method="get" action="<?cs
+                     var:cgi_location?>/attachment/wiki/<?cs
+                     var:wiki.namedoublequoted ?>"><div>
+               <input type="submit" value="Attach File" />
+              </div></form>
+              <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+            <?cs /if ?>
+          <?cs /if ?>
+        <?cs /if ?>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<?cs include: "footer.cs" ?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/templates/wiki.cs
--- demudi-trac/trunk/templates/wiki.cs	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/templates/wiki.cs	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+<?cs include "header.cs" ?>
+<?cs include "macros.cs" ?>
+<div id="page-content">
+<h2 class="hide">Wiki Navigation</h2>
+<ul class="subheader-links">
+  <li><?cs if:trac.authname == "anonymous" || !trac.authname ?>
+    <a href="<?cs var:trac.href.login ?>">Login</a>
+  <?cs else ?>
+    logged in as <?cs var:trac.authname ?> </li>
+    <li><a href="<?cs var:trac.href.logout ?>">Logout</a>
+  <?cs /if ?></li>
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/TitleIndex">Title Index</a></li>
+  <li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/RecentChanges">Recent Changes</a></li>
+  <?cs if $wiki.history ?>
+    <li class="last"><a href="javascript:view_history()">Show/Hide History</a></li>
+  <?cs else ?>
+    <li class="last">Show/Hide History</li>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<div id="left">
+<div class="section-label">Install</div>
+<div class="section-links">
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/InstallCdRom">CD-ROM</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/InstallApt">APT</a></li>
+<div id="left">
+<div class="section-label">Documents</div>
+<div class="section-links">
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DocumentsConcept">Concept</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DocumentsOverview">Overview</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DocumentsSoftware">Software</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DocumentsFAQ">FAQ</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DocumentsHistory">History</a></li>
+<div id="left">
+<div class="section-label">Links</div>
+<div class="section-links">
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/LinksAudio">Audio</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/LinksDebian">Debian</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/LinksLinux">Linux</a></li>
+<div id="left">
+<div class="section-label">Contacts</div>
+<div class="section-links">
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/ContactsLists">Lists</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/ContactsChat">Chat</a></li>
+<div id="left">
+<div class="section-label">Develop</div>
+<div class="section-links">
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DevelopBugs">Bugs</a></li>
+<li><a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki ?>/DevelopCode">Code</a></li>
+<?cs def:day_separator(date) ?>
+  <?cs if: $date != $current_date ?>
+    <?cs set: $current_date = $date ?>
+    </ul>
+    <h3 class="recentchanges-daysep"><?cs var:date ?>:</h3>
+    <ul>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<hr class="hide"/>
+<?cs if $wiki.history ?>
+    <h3 class="hide">Page History</h3>
+    <table id="wiki-history">
+      <tr>
+        <th>Version</th>
+        <th>Time</th>
+        <th>Author</th>
+        <th>IP#</th>
+      </tr>
+      <?cs each item = $wiki.history ?>
+        <tr class="wiki-history-row">
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+             href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.version ?></a>&nbsp;(<a class="wiki-history-link"
+                  href="<?cs var:$item.diff_url ?>">diff</a>)</td>
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+               href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.time ?></a></td>
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+               href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.author ?></a></td>
+          <td><a class="wiki-history-link"
+               href="<?cs var:$item.url ?>"><?cs var:$item.ipnr ?></a></td>
+        </tr>
+      <?cs /each ?>
+    </table>
+    <hr class="hide"/>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  <div id="main">
+    <div id="main-content">
+    <div id="wiki-body">
+        <?cs if $wiki.title_index.0.title ?>
+          <h2>TitleIndex</h2>
+          <ul>
+          <?cs each item = $wiki.title_index ?>
+            <li><a href="<?cs var:item.href?>"><?cs var:item.title ?></a></li>
+          <?cs /each ?>
+          </ul>
+        <?cs elif $wiki.recent_changes.0.title ?>
+          <h2>RecentChanges</h2>
+          <ul>
+          <?cs each item = $wiki.recent_changes ?>
+            <?cs call:day_separator(item.time) ?>
+            <li><a href="<?cs var:item.href?>"><?cs var:item.title ?></a></li>
+          <?cs /each ?>
+          </ul>
+        <?cs elif wiki.action == "diff" ?>
+          <h1>Changes in version <?cs var:wiki.edit_version?> of <?cs var:wiki.page_name ?></h1>
+           <table id="overview">
+            <tr class="author">
+             <th scope="row">Author:</th>
+             <td><?cs var:wiki.diff.author ?></td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr class="time">
+             <th scope="row">Timestamp:</th>
+             <td><?cs var:wiki.diff.time ?></td>
+            </tr>
+            <?cs if:wiki.diff.comment ?>
+             <tr class="comment">
+              <th scope="row">Comment:</th>
+              <td><?cs var:wiki.diff.comment ?></td>
+             </tr>
+            <?cs /if ?>
+           </table>
+          <div class="hide">
+            <hr />
+            <h2>-=&gt; Note: Diff viewing requires CSS2 &lt;=-</h2>
+            <p>
+              Output below might not be useful.
+            </p>
+            <hr />
+          </div>
+          <div id="chg-legend">
+           <h3>Legend:</h3>
+           <ul>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-unmod"> </span>Unmodified</li>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-add"> </span>Added</li>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-rem"> </span>Removed</li>
+            <li><span class="diff-legend-mod"> </span>Modified</li>
+           </ul>
+          </div>
+          <div id="chg-diff">
+           <div class="chg-diff-file">
+             <table class="diff-table" cellspacing="0">
+               <tr><td class="diff-line"><?cs var:wiki.diff.name.old ?></td>
+               <td class="diff-line"><?cs var:wiki.diff.name.new ?></td></tr>
+               <?cs each:change = wiki.diff.changes ?><?cs
+                 call:diff_display(change) ?><?cs
+                 /each ?>
+             </table>
+           </div>
+          </div>
+        <?cs else ?>
+          <?cs if wiki.action == "edit" || wiki.action == "preview" ?>
+           <h3>Editing "<?cs var:wiki.page_name ?>"</h3>
+           <div style="width: 100%">
+            <form action="<?cs var:wiki.current_href ?>" method="post">
+              <input type="hidden" name="edit_version"
+                  value="<?cs var:wiki.edit_version?>" />
+              <label for="text">Page source:</label><br />
+              <textarea id="text" name="text" rows="20" cols="80"
+                  style="width: 97%"><?cs var:wiki.page_source ?></textarea>
+              <div id="help">
+              <b>Note:</b> See <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki
+?>/WikiFormatting">WikiFormatting</a> and <a href="<?cs var:$trac.href.wiki
+?>/TracWiki">TracWiki</a> for help on editing wiki content.
+              </div>
+              <fieldset>
+                <legend>Change information</legend>
+                <div style="display: inline; float: left; margin: 0 .5em;">
+                  <label for="author">Your email or username:</label><br />
+                  <input id="author" type="text" name="author" size="30"
+                       value="<?cs var:wiki.author?>"/>
+                </div>
+                <div>
+                  <label for="comment">Comment about this change (optional):</label>
+                  <br />
+                  <input id="comment" type="text" name="comment" size="60"
+                        value="<?cs var:wiki.comment?>" />
+                </div>
+                <div class="buttons">
+                    <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save changes" />&nbsp;
+                    <input type="submit" name="preview" value="Preview" />&nbsp;
+                    <input type="submit" name="view" value="Cancel" />
+                </div>
+              </fieldset>
+            </form>
+           </div>
+          <?cs /if ?>
+          <?cs if wiki.action == "view" || wiki.action == "preview" ?>
+            <?cs if wiki.action == "preview" ?><hr /><?cs /if ?>
+            <div class="wikipage">
+                <div id="searchable">
+                 <?cs var:wiki.page_html ?>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+          <?cs if $wiki.attachments.0.name ?>
+           <h3 id="tkt-changes-hdr">Attachments</h3>
+           <ul class="tkt-chg-list">
+           <?cs each:a = wiki.attachments ?>
+             <li class="tkt-chg-change"><a href="<?cs var:a.href ?>">
+             <?cs var:a.name ?></a> (<?cs var:a.size ?>) -
+             <?cs var:a.descr ?>,
+             added by <?cs var:a.author ?> on <?cs var:a.time ?>.</li>
+           <?cs /each ?>
+         </ul>
+         <?cs /if ?>
+         <?cs if wiki.action == "view" && trac.acl.WIKI_MODIFY ?>
+           <form class="inline" method="get" action=""><div>
+               <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="yes" />
+               <input type="submit" value="Edit This Page" />
+              </div></form>
+              <form class="inline" method="get" action="<?cs
+                     var:cgi_location?>/attachment/wiki/<?cs
+                     var:wiki.namedoublequoted ?>"><div>
+               <input type="submit" value="Attach File" />
+              </div></form>
+              <div class="tiny" style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>
+            <?cs /if ?>
+          <?cs /if ?>
+        <?cs /if ?>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<?cs include: "footer.cs" ?>

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/trac.htpasswd
--- demudi-trac/trunk/trac.htpasswd	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/trac.htpasswd	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: demudi-trac/trunk/wiki-macros/include.py
--- demudi-trac/trunk/wiki-macros/include.py	2004-11-01 12:19:27 UTC (rev 84)
+++ demudi-trac/trunk/wiki-macros/include.py	2004-11-01 18:01:08 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+def execute(hdf, txt, env):
+  args = txt or ''
+  if args:
+    import urllib
+    f = urllib.urlopen(args)
+    return f.read()
+  else:
+    from trac import util
+    raise util.TracError('The include macro requires an argument');