Bug#688830: devscripts: [new] Please include who-permits-upload as a convenient interface to retrieve DM permissions

Arno Töll arno at debian.org
Sun Mar 10 23:33:29 UTC 2013

On 10.03.2013 14:23, James McCoy wrote:
> It looks good.  Could you provide a man page?

Yes, I will do. I found out I need to write some optimizations anyhow,
as the gpg lookups are pretty expensive and the waiting time becomes
longer, as the file grows.

> As far as the naming issue that was raised, I'd be fine with either
> who-permits-upload or who-allows-upload.  The latter is what came to
> mind for me, but that's probably because I immediately thought of
> "allow" in DMUA.

I'm fine either way, please use any name you find reasonable.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
GnuPG Key-ID: 0x9D80F36D

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