Bug#753473: who-uploads: only reports very old uploads

Adam D. Barratt adam at adam-barratt.org.uk
Wed Jul 2 12:41:19 UTC 2014

On 2014-07-02 13:33, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On 2014-07-02 10:05, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>> who-uploads doesn't seem to know about recent uploads; it only reports
>> about very old ones. e.g.:
>> emilio at titan:~$ who-uploads weston
>> Uploads for weston:
>> 0.85.0-1 to experimental: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
> As a data point, I can't reproduce this with 2.12.6 (wheezy):
> $ who-uploads weston
> Uploads for weston:
> 1.5.0-2 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (E4368302)>
> 1.5.0-1 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (E4368302)>
> 1.4.0-1.1 to unstable: Hector Oron Martinez (debian) <zumbi at debian.org>

Poking a little further, the only change between that and the current 
version is 18b3f8e9a97466c2f05cb63e0cb847fbebd1ac39 ; applying that to 
wheezy's script gives:

$ ./who-uploads weston
Uploads for weston:
1.5.0-2 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (gpg: 9D46C488E4368302)>
1.5.0-1 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (gpg: 9D46C488E4368302)>
1.4.0-1.1 to unstable: Hector Oron Martinez (debian) <zumbi at debian.org>

Which still doesn't look crazy. Hmmm.



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