Bug#767421: debsign: clobbers shell variables instead of using them

Adam D. Barratt adam at adam-barratt.org.uk
Thu Oct 30 22:40:50 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2014-10-30 at 17:26 -0500, Adam Majer wrote:
> I have DEBSIGN_KEYID defined for signing debian packages. Debsign
> completely ignores this as it seems to clobber environment variables
> with its DEFAULT_* set of values, which are undefined.

That's intentional. From debsign(1):

The two configuration files /etc/devscripts.conf and ~/.devscripts are
sourced in that order to set configuration variables.  Command line
options can be used to override configuration file settings.
Environment variable settings are ignored for this purpose.

Similar wording exists in most manpages from the package.



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