Bug#807270: mk-origtargz: create reproducible tarballs and --mtime option

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at eds.org
Sun Dec 6 21:21:04 UTC 2015

Package: devscripts
Version: 2.14.2
Severity: wishlist
User: devscripts at packages.debian.org
Usertags: mk-origtargz

Whenever mk-origtargz is repacking a zipball, it should zero out the
timestamps in the tar format so that the process produces the same
tarball every time it runs.  This can be done using tar's --mtime= flag.

Additionally, it would be very useful if mk-origtargz also had a --mtime
option which forced the tarball to be repacked using the date given to
the --mtime="Wed Oct 28 10:12:27 2015 -0700" flag.  Here's an example of
how to do that in perl:


This gets us ever closer to the goals of reproducible builds, where we
can guarantee that a given original source code, the resulting binaries
are always the same.  For more on that topic:


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