Bug#807810: got it

Nicholas Bamber nicholas at periapt.co.uk
Tue Dec 15 10:18:46 UTC 2015

Actually the bts man page states the syntax:

forwarded bug address

It makes it faitly clear that only one upstream address is supported.

On 15/12/15 03:17, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote:
>>>>>> "NB" == Nicholas Bamber <nicholas at periapt.co.uk> writes:
> NB> Forgot to copy the submitter. Fixed!
> NB> On 13/12/15 12:32, Nicholas Bamber wrote:
>>> You want to be able to support forwarding to two places. I doubt that
>>> this is a worthwhile idea, but in any case it would firts need to be
>>> fixed in the Debian bugs system.
> OK, but probably should add notes:
>         forwarded bug address
>             Mark the bug as forwarded to the given address (usually an email
>             address or a URL for an upstream bug tracker).
> Note - a second forward command will wipe out the original forward
> address, not add to it.
>         notforwarded bug
>             Mark a bug as not forwarded.
> Note - actually just removes +forwarded status...

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