Bug#789581: devscripts: debuild can be made a thin wrapper over dpkg-buildpackage again

James McCoy jamessan at debian.org
Thu Jun 25 02:15:55 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 12:33:51PM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Hi!


> As discussed in the past (although I'm afraid I don't have pointers
> handy), it would be nice to make debuild a thin wrapper over
> dpkg-buildpackage, now that the main blocker (shell hooks support)
> has been implemented in the latter.

Indeed.  Thanks for filing this to track it.  It was in my mental list
to look at for Stretch, but it's good to have it on the BTS too.

> If there's anything else that would block this, I'll gladly consider
> adding it to dpkg-buildpackage!

Noted.  I'll try to work on this early in the release, in case I spot
possible changes needed in dpkg-buildpackage.

GPG Key: 4096R/331BA3DB 2011-12-05 James McCoy <jamessan at debian.org>
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