Bug#784397: devscripts: [debchange] Support un-finalised trailer line for UNRELEASED changelog entry

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Tue May 12 08:19:05 UTC 2015

Control: retitle -1 devscripts: [debchange] Support un-finalised trailer line for UNRELEASED changelog entry

On 06-May-2015, Ben Finney wrote:

> Instead, ‘debchange --release’ should recognise an unfinalised
> trailer line as valid for this action, and replace the line with a
> finalised trailer line for the release.

On 11-May-2015, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Note that the problem isn't only in debchange. dpkg-buildpackage
> also seems to suffer from unfinalized trailers:

I think you're describing behaviour different from this report.

‘dpkg-buildpackage’ expects the changelog entry to be finalised.
That's right and proper, and should not be changed for this bug

‘debchange --release’ should handle an unfinalised changelog entry,
because the whole point of that action is to *alter* the changelog
entry to finalise it for release.

 \          “A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. |
  `\        Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in |
_o__)                       principle is always a vice.” —Thomas Paine |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>
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