Bug#415680: uscan: SF.NET redirector ...

Osamu Aoki osamu at debian.org
Fri Oct 2 17:24:09 UTC 2015

Hi,  https://bugs.debian.org/415680

I am doing a clean up of uscan aiming at version=4 format which is
multiple upstream tarball friendly watch file and separate watch line
for PGP sig file with relaxed space character usage rule and much more

Naturally, I updated manpage while making it POD.

As to sf.net, in example:

       For SourceForge based projects, qa.debian.org runs a redirector which
       allows a simpler form of URL. The format below will automatically be
       rewritten to use the redirector with the watch file:

         http://sf.net/<project>/ <tar-name>-(.+)\.tar\.gz debian uupdate

       For audacity, set the watch file as:

         http://sf.net/audacity/ audacity-minsrc-(.+)\.tar\.gz debian uupdate

       Please note, you can still use normal functionalities of uscan to set
       up a watch file for this site without using the redirector.

         opts="uversionmangle=s/-pre/~pre/, \
                                audacity-$1.tar.xz%" \
               http://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/files/audacity/(\d[\d\.]+)/ \
               (?:.*)audacity-minsrc-([\d\.]+)\.tar\.xz/download debian uupdate

       Here, % is used as the separator instead of the standard /.

Elsewhere in the manpage, the prdownload trick is mentioned but it is
not problematic now for sourceforge.net.  So I skipped it here.

Now if you like not to be bothered by redirector while using sf.net URL,
opts=bare will take care.

Let's not change this default behavior at this moment.  I did extensive
documentation for this redirector thing.  (on multitar branch)

Except for the leading space, version=3 accepts the same thing for last 10 years.

Unless one of you tells me this is not enough, I am going to include this as
the pending bug.



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