Bug#539780: $package variable to uscan environment

Osamu Aoki aoki.osamu at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 14:07:39 UTC 2015


Watch file is not just used by you (the maintainer) but by many other
uses such as the DEHS server to get the package status.

What this means is the watch file should be valid for others.

If it only function under a certain environment, that is not desirable
situation.  I suggest you to do as follows.

You provide debian/watch.in template file which creates debian/watch
with the "debian/rules clean" target making substitution.  Package both
in the source file.

Then other people downloading your source package can use debian/watch
while you do not need to edit it for every verion bumps.

I mean you can have something along:

http://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/@@@app@@@/([\d\.]+)/ @@@app@@@\.([\d]+\.[\d]+)\.tar\.gz

package = $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -SSource)
        sed "s/@@@app@@@/$(package)/g" <debian/watch.in >debian/watch

So I do not think this is a valid wishlist.

Did I misunderstood the situation?


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